MovieChat Forums > The Drew Barrymore Show (2020) Discussion > The Drew Barrymore Show arranges a 'fair...

The Drew Barrymore Show arranges a 'fairytale wedding' for a nurse and her alleged groomer

The Drew Barrymore Show arranged to have wedding performed on the show for a nurse who moved to New York to help with COVID demands, due to her own wedding being postponed. In their introduction they claim to have "met in school through mutual friends" but the comment section is full of people pointing out that he was in fact her teacher in high school. A Twitter user screenshot these and this led to more comments being found on an Instagram post with one claiming the relationship started when the bride was 17 years old and the groom 29 years old.

The show is being met with criticism of either not properly vetting the guests or knowing the truth and choosing to not care about supporting a union that exists due to a teacher allegedly grooming their student. It's been a few days and the show has not commented on this and no videos have been taken down, but whoever runs the YouTube channel has been liking comments praising the couple meanwhile ignoring comments criticizing and pointing out the predatory nature of the relationship.
