Sexual Innuendos (SPOILERS)

First off, i'd like to say that i really enjoyed this movie! The pace was really good, the story was simple, and yet it was executed really well!

Now don't take this as a complaint. But i couldn't help but notice that there were a LOT more sexual innuendos in this animated film than any other that i had seen (Even Shrek...)

*Spoilers Ahead*
(These aren't in any particular order other than the order i remember them in)

1.) When Buck shoos away the giant butterfly, he comments "I knew him when he was a caterpillar. That was before he came out."

2.) Buck, Crash, and Eddie are walking off while Diego and Manny stay behind to save Ellie from the raptors(?). Diego tells Manny "I've got your back.", to which Buck comments "Your back? All my buddies always covered my front. I thought thats where all the goods are"

3.) Sid goes to retrieve some milk from a yak nearby for his "kids". He reaches under its belly, placing an eggshell underneath it, and grabs onto an unseen object on the yak's underside, to which the yak responds by chasing Sid, who screams "I thought you were a FEMALE!"

4.) When Sid is finally reunited with the group and he sees Peaches for the first time, he cries "Aww! It's a boy!", to which Diego responds, "Thats her tail."

5.) When trapped together in the gut of a man-eating plant, Diego tells Manny, "I feel tingly." Manny replies, "Don't say that when you're pressed up against me!"

I know theres a few more, but having JUST saw it, i can't remember them all. But given the shortness of the film, this seemed like a LOT more than any other film i saw. Like i said, not a complaint though. I laughed at EVERY one of these. Just pointing it out. ^_^

Team Jacob!!!
The N00bist Society



That one too!

Team Jacob!!!
The N00bist Society


I thought all of these "sexual" references were quite funny and they actually contribute to the tone of the movie, which is a bit edgier than your average CG-animated film. And you know, they appeal to the older following Ice Age has. Small kids probably won't get some of these references anyway.


I wasn't saying they were bad or not funny. I clearly said that in my post. Twice i believe. I was just pointing them out for the heck of it.

Team Jacob!!!
The N00bist Society


I never said you did!

reply seemed implied, but i was mistaken. Sorry! ^_^

Team Jacob!!!
The N00bist Society


This was a strange movie indeed, actually a bit of a let down though I still enjoyed it overall.


ya but all ok nothing to bad unlike land of the lost xD


I noticed the same thing with this movie that I did when I took my nephew to see Shrek 3. There are certain things everybody laughed at, but there were some things mostly the kids laughed at, and others that only the adults found funny. The sexual innuendo comments would probably go over the head of most kids under 9, while the playground scene was probably funnier for kids than adults.
That's what makes the movie good for all ages, versus just being a good kids movie, but one where adults are rather bored.


Every new kids movie seems to push these jokes further and further. I am not in favor of it as things are getting more and more distasteful. You really have to think twice about these jokes as this movie is rated for kids. Sexual and sexually suggesting jokes shouldn't be a daily output in the media oriented for kids. It's subtle perversity in my opinion.


I like that they do that. That's how they catch the interest of teens/adults.

Anticipated Movies In July:
The Ugly Truth
I Love You Beth Cooper
Funny People



I’d have to disagree, and say that Shrek lays on literal innuendoes with a much heavier hand than this film. Granted, Ice Age III isn’t a genius at subtle delivery of the material, but it’s just silly, not overtly sexual like Shrek.


Sexual and sexually suggesting jokes shouldn't be a daily output in the media oriented for kids. It's subtle perversity in my opinion.

Do you live in Saudi Arabia, or Iran or something?

Nothing about this movie is ''perverse''.


There was the one bit about the 'big smelly crack' as well, that made me think of vaginas haha..

fun though



You're sick! Sick I say!

I thought of asses...

For some people, small pointless blunders are what life is all about - the Doctor


my good... poor gf of yours, BIG SMELLY crack made you think of vaginas? tell her to wash up a little bit.. it was a BUTT joke.. =S and maybe is not a BIG crack, but yours is a SMALL log ;-) good luck with that!


Chill out love, it's a saying over here in the UK.

Dumb bitch.



Yup, definetly SMALL log, thanks for the confirmation "love" =D


Typical, childish American...



Who said I was American?


Who was talking about sizes of 'logs'?

Seriously off topic of IA3 here, lets just stick to it, no one likes to read troll posts.



exactly, so you can stop talking now.. bye!


Lol. These jokes do seem to be 'perverse'...but i don't think that.
Remember when your a kid, you watch a film and the adults laugh but you don't...its like that. As a kid you don't get the jokes. If they do...then thats down to the parents not the film writers. Its not like Scrat is running around with a banner saying 'SEX RULES'. Lol!
I like that these films use these types of jokes. Watch the movie 'Beethoven', there's a scene where the father charcter uses dirty talk with his wife...which is much worse then mere inuendo. That is a much older film.
Using inuendo is very clever. It appeals to adults. I'm 19 and i found this film so funny, for many reasons.
In the cinema (sp?) we laughed at these jokes and heard nothing from the they did not understand the jokes.

Thanks for listing them OP, gave me a laugh :P

ps-I'm telling anyone off, i'm just giving my views in general.

Wherever, whatever, have a nice day...


yeah im 19 and i was cracking up at some of the jokes but their were a bunch of kids and they werent laughing but i didnt realize it was all kids till i left but i was thinking geez does noone else think this movie is funny?



Pulps, you just gave me a mental picture of scrat doing that and it was hillarious. It would be funny if something like that happens.


Boricantor. We should write our own script and send it off.Just saying. we could be millionairs :P

Wherever, whatever, have a nice day...


You really have to think twice about these jokes as this movie is rated for kids.
Do I need to tell you what ratings are? ;) They show who it's APPROPRIATE FOR, not what AGE GROUP it's for. For instance, a film rated PG-13 is not just for teenagers, but it just warns that it might not be appropriate for kids. Just like a PG rating simply shows that it may not be appropriate for small kids, but that doesn't mean it can't be enjoyed by older people in the audience. This film represents material that can be enjoyed from anyone between kids and adults, and it succeeded.

Nathaniel: Sire, do yourself?
Edward: What's not to like?


I actually thought #2 was referring to guts. I loved the caterpillar comment though!



There was the one bit about the 'big smelly crack' as well, that made me think of vaginas haha...

You DO know that it was a butt joke though, right?

OK where I come from - thats a vagina joke! come on big smelly crack?! that so means p***y

I am officially a Trekkie, Dwarfer, Whovian, Gleek and Browncoat


by - insanetheking

Every new kids movie seems to push these jokes further and further.

I disagree. PG films in the 80's and early 90's were much worse.

It was standard to say S H I T in PG films and also show much more innuendo, sexual activity and implied sex scenes.

I was watching ET the other day and Elliot uses "Penis Breath" as a curse word basically saying cock sucker.


That's retarded, there are sex jokes hidden in EVERY cartoon from now down to the first disney features. Some take it farther than others, but what 5 year old would go 'Oh yeah , this is funny because it reffers to this sexual thing'. I've seen a TON of cartoons as a child , I didn't get ANY of the sex jokes they had untill I grew up. You watch the Snow white even and see how many times they call grumpy gay and tell snow white a woman's place is in the kitchen. Yes they're wrong, but they let them slide. The point is if we dumb down good jokes than cartoons become too sterile untill in 2020 we end up watch an hour and a half of the wiggles, dora the explorer , -insert bland unoriginal plot with kids safe characters- movie for entertanment . Cartoons aren't just for kids, they're for everyone. Spongebob has so much appeal to teens, young adults etc , shrek had so many refferences to real life that it made it so much more appealing to adults. And thats how it should be.



This movie is rated "PG" which means "parental guidance" is suggested. It implies that there are bound to be some type of situations that may not be suitable for all viewers. This is the 21st century and more and more adults enjoy watching shows like this and we don't enjoy watching the cutesy cartoons that a "G" rated cartoon would be.


Did you mention the fact that Buck is a 'One Eyed Weasel'?


lol, I did think of that one, but that wasn't intentional (at least I would think so...)

Team Jacob!!!
The N00bist Society


When they are flying on the bird and buck is blowing into the birds mouth he says "It taste like fish." As in the bird has been licking a girls ..... you know what.


Really now? Because I assumed it was simply that the pterodactyl...ate fish. Like, to live.

Seriously. I know some jokes are thrown in there on purpose, it just bothers me when people read too much into others that may not even have been jokes at all.

-MattsGirl6093, Wife to NinjaMatt3628 since 25 February 2009


When Buck shoos away the giant butterfly, he comments "I knew him when he was a caterpillar. That was before he came out."

Ah. The wit. I love it. XD


Funny, tho. Buck definitely checks out the pterodactyl when he says "What about you? Ever thought about having kids?"

As seen on TV:

Picture, suitable for framing:


Sid: "Aw, she's a beautiful girl."

Diego: "Sid, that's her tail."


Now, I'll admit I'm a tend to see the perverted side to things...but I found Happy Feet a little more "edgier". The only part that comes to mind is when the two penguins are sliding/falling over each other and they briefly stop at various sexual positions. I'm just saying, it's common for kids films these days to do this (my school's newspaper had a story on the phenomenon).

Wow, you found my sig!


How about the scene when Manny is running and moves a bunch of leaves and Scrat and Scratte are there with a very guilty look on their faces? like they were doing something... you know what!! lol!


can someone explain to me the caterpillar joke ?? i just dont get it xD


and um... about PG movies being more and more lenient on the sexual references.. i also disagree... i remember watching old DISNEY movies with mature material... for example the movie wish upon a star.. and the series ready or not xD those were wayy to mature compare to the PG stuff nowadays .. ^^


azul_amor_yo: "to come out" means to admit and announce that one is gay

I'd also add the joke with Diego "bearing down" to the list.


What about when Scrat is sticked to the log and he gets his chest hair ripped down, exposing his nipples! That kinda turned me on.

Seriously though, these were all in a category I'd stamp as "innocent sex jokes". And to be honest, most of them were really fun, I can't think of a reason they should stop sprinkling these movies with innocent sex jokes.


Hehehe... he has got nice nipples X3

How many nipples does a squirrel have, anyway?

For some people, small pointless blunders are what life is all about - the Doctor


You think jacking off a yak is an 'innocent sex joke'?

"Fine. You want to eat? Let's see if you can eat... PIZZA!!!"


I really thought one that was more obvious yet NO ONE has mentioned is when Scrat is on his back with the acorn on his stomach and Scratee walks her fingers up the acorn and then wraps her hand right around the stem of the acorn and Scrat gets this look on his face.

NO ONE else caught that?


I did not catch the meaning, but I did catch the look.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


I just saw this movie a second time and i kept my eyes open for anything else i missed. That look wasn't a sexual reference. It was a look of fear. He knew what she was going to do, and he was scared of it.

Team Jacob!!!
The N00bist Society


If you think THAT was jacking him off, then you may need to reconsider the meaning of jacking off.

1.) What Sid did was unintentional. He was in the mindset that he was grabbing an udder of sorts to retrieve milk. There was no sexual intention at all.

2.) He grabbed the yak ONCE. That is NOT jacking.

Team Jacob!!!
The N00bist Society



the worst one i got that my friends and i laughed really hard at was when buck was flying the bird and it got knocked out...
he started blowing on its lips and goes "tastes like fish"


This movie had me cracking up and I'm 21! I took my 3 year old son to see this movie today and it seems that Buck has the most "sexual innuendos", especially the "butterfly comment", i was in stiches and my little boy looked at me like "WTF mom?",he had the most puzzled expression on his face. I agree that kid movies with the "hidden meanings" certainly keep my attention! A lot of movies I watched as a kid didn't make any sense until I got way older, but it is all in good fun. I rather watch 100 million more movies like Ice Age, than those damn "Extenze" and "KY Jelly" commericals that come on the TV all day long!


When Buck shoos away the giant butterfly, he comments "I knew him when he was a caterpillar. That was before he came out."

Is this a sexual innuendo??, Then probably a cheek to cheek dance should be called pornography!. Get a life!

Friends are the family that we choose


Oh yes, because i see a crack at homosexuality (a joke which most kids 6 and under won't get) which is a different SEXUAL preference and lifestyle as a sexual innuendo, THAT means I have no life...seriously dude, ease up on the insults and use your head. It IS a sexual innuendo. You want proof? You're the ONLY one who disagrees with it. At least two other people have RE-listed this as an innuendo. Majority rules, thats the way it goes buddy.

Team Jacob!!!
The N00bist Society


Oh yes, because i see a crack at homosexuality (a joke which most kids 6 and under won't get) which is a different SEXUAL preference and lifestyle as a sexual innuendo, THAT means I have no life...seriously dude, ease up on the insults and use your head. It IS a sexual innuendo. You want proof? You're the ONLY one who disagrees with it. At least two other people have RE-listed this as an innuendo. Majority rules, thats the way it goes buddy.

Sorry I have to correct you. I may be the only one in this virtual world that disagrees with that. The only one in a virtual world that I visit once in a while, particularly when having difficulties going to sleep (btw, your posts are great help. Keep them coming). In the real world, you know, the one that is inhabited by palpable people and stuff, almost not a single person that I have talked to about this issue have found this movie remotely close to have sexual innuendos in it. And, as a lot of people (the ones in the real world, mind you), that have discussed this with me (including my students), all agree that even if sexual innuendos are there, there is nothing wong with that. It would be like complaining of the movie having "eating innuendos", or "breathing innuendos", or such. Meaning that it is absolutely correct (in the real world), to actually consider sex as just another component of a healthy normal life, and not something to be kept hidden from developing human beings and then just pop it out of nowhere when they become of age.

Friends are the family that we choose
