MovieChat Forums > Imawa no Kuni no Arisu (2020) Discussion > Could the wolf game have ended different...

Could the wolf game have ended different?

I dont get it. The game was "only" 7 of hearts. however there could only be one survivor, when in the game with 10 of hearts, they could have went through without any have to be killed.
There was that strange thing, that the game said the lambs should run.
I wonder if there wasnt some way for them all to survive the game, and if so, how would it have worked out?
Anyone else wondered about the same thing?

The game is tough enough itself, and with all those people apparently surviving for a long time, it would feel strange if they made games that you practicly cant survive


i didn't quite follow the rules for this episode. I thought that they would conceal the 'wolf' identity to kill sheep initially, instead of jumping around the 'wolf' id by locking eyes.

It's surprised that all three were killed off after only 3rd episode. were they to be revived later on somehow?


There are two ways of winning the game, as presented: hide until the time bombs blow up everyone else (if you're the wolf) or kill the wolf (if you're the lambs).

Let's get this out of the way first: they went with one of the worst possible climaxes to that game: kill three out of four players. You could minimize it to one death. Why wouldn't you? This was the worst planning and kinda bummed me out that they let the characters be that stupid.

But you make an excellent point: the 7 of Hearts would, theoretically, have an "out" where all survive - if they 10 of Hearts does as well (which it does).

The case against: the 10 of Hearts game is designed to make them all hate themselves, not just kill themselves. Think about the bus/distance game with the GOAL: there was a trick there, but the game seems designed specifically to make players realize their mistake and not only hurt and kill them, but demoralize them. The game master(s) wanted the players in the 10 game to behave exactly as they did: slaughter each other en masse *before* realizing that the killing was totally unjustified.

I would argue that the 7 of Hearts game was designed to cripple Arisu and/or his friends. It was supposed to sap their spirits (which it did, with Arisu lying face-down in the street for days afterwards). So, maybe they didn't have an "out" there because that wasn't the maximum damage-causer.

But... let's say it did have an "out": what would that be?

I'd guess it's exactly what Arisu was doing: dismantling the headsets. Looking at the objects offered to the players before the game, many are weapons, but a lot are tools designed for dismantling the bombs. While this wouldn't have been easy, and might have cost some lives anyway, I think the bloodless ending to the 7 game was to cut their way out of the collars and just wait until they all popped. In fact, the game masters might have anticipated this with the players.

Chota doesn't have the confidence or cleverness to dismantle the devices (although his tech background might have provided help).
Karube has no technical expertise whatsoever, although he might have some practical knowledge about re-wiring lightswitches or something, but nothing that would lead him to try defusing bombs.
Shibuki is so mired in her "look out for No.1" mindset that she would almost always panic and run as she did.
Arisu has the level had and reasoning skills to figure out the headsets. He would use any basic tool use knowledge Karube had with any IT knowledge Chota had and reasonably guess his way through the headset dismantling process (likely using Shibuki's set) but the game masters knew that Arisu was traumatized by his experiences at "Tag" and wouldn't be able to act. They set up an ironic inability of this team to act and save themselves while simultaneously ensuring that at *least* one of them would wind up broken.
