
What happened to Nan? I know Nan and Alf had a falling out but it appeared at the end of the episode that they had made up. Then she is never seen again. Is it that the episodes are shortened for American television and they left something out?


No, you didn't lol :P

She just fell off the face of the earth with no explanation. Seemed the writers just forgot about tying up their story line in the next season.


Thanks for your answer!


I thought it was just me lol She was there in Series 2 and then as never seen again. I mean they could have had a bit of an explanation


Seemed kind of strange to me as well that she just disappeared all of a sudden.

~After enjoying that movie, I figured I'd drop by IMDB to read about all of its problems.


OP, yes, Alf and Nan did make up, but during one scene Laura saw her kissing a farmer's son. Another time she was shown speaking with yet another man. By her own admission she confessed to Laura that she was drawn to "bad boys". No doubt that Alf would not abide this, thus, her quick removal from the show. She and Alf experienced a good, frolicking, short-lived lark. Beautiful girl.


Alfie deserved much better than that little bitch, so I was glad that she disappeared.
