MovieChat Forums > Skyfall (2012) Discussion > One of the worsest and overhyped bond mo...

One of the worsest and overhyped bond movies

Skyfall is the worsest bond movie. The movie has a poor plot, less action and a poor villain. The movie drags for hours without nothing really exciting or interesting happening. I was really bored and left disappointed with this movie. Casino Royale was the best daniel craig james bond movie. Quantum of Solace might have been the most poorly received bond movie but it had much better action then Skyfall and it was not boring. I bought the Skyfall blu ray and I only watched it once and then I sold it. Absolutely rubbish. Watch Skyfall and judge for yourself. I did not like it. I rate Skyfall 1 out of 10.


My least favorite Bond film by far. Extremely disappointing.

Here lies one whose name was writ in water - Keats


I always thought "For Your Eyes Only" was one of the worst! Nothing much happened there with little real technology being utilized! The song by Sheena Easton was more memorable than the movie! ;-/

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7


Completely agree. Spectre was better though not a very good film I still think it was better than Skyfall. At least Craig has had one very good film in Casino Royale and one okay film in Spectre. The other two are pretty poor in my opinion with Quantum of Solace being the worst. I give Casino Royale a 7.5, Quantum of Solace a 4.5, Skyfall a 5.5 and Spectre a 6.5.


I thought Skyfall was the worst until I recently watched Spectre. Horrible.

Here lies one whose name was writ in water - Keats


I thought that to. But after watching it a couple more times I appreciate it more. Though not great I think its okay. SkyFall I find to be quite bad. But in a different way to Quantum.


I would say Quantum of Solace is by far the worst.


It was boring, dull, lame, uninteresting, what a shame to the Bond series.


Skyfall is the worsest bond movie.

Worsest? Ewe, sur/madum, neede two lurn how too spel! :)

If vampires hate "plus signs" - imagine how they feel about the "square root" symbol.


Anyone who rates ANY movie a 1/10 on IMDB is a childish idiot.


I agree. Absolute drivel from start to finish.


Worsest? You lost me right there. Learn to spell and maybe your opinion will carry a tad more weight.

Time wounds all heels.


I agree, the movie was so bad I had to watch it in two parts. The second half was trying to find what in the world everyone was raving about.

Utterly stupid plot devices and sequences, pointless events, illogical narrative, the list goes on and on.

Perhaps the most stunningly idiotic of sequences was Kincaid, a Scottish gamekeeper on that very land his entire very long life, fleeing the bad guys across the marsh by... shining a flashlight and waving it around erratically, doing his best imitation of a lighthouse. I just thought it was hilarious that the one guy who would know that area like the back of his hand had to use a flashlight, while everyone else was able to travel like THEY were the gamekeepers without a flashlight amongst them (though one fortunately carried a underwater signal flare in his boot). Wonder how that checklist goes.. assualt rifle, communications device, backup gun... oh yes, my trusty boot mounted underwater signal flare.. )

And of course, at the end, after watching Bond plow through 30 'willing to die and not bat an eye' 1-800-henchman goons, we see Silva who's sole desire is apparently to simultaneously off M and himself... say what? He could have done that with his vast supply of explosive devices a dozen or so times throughout the movie.

yuch. Most pointless Bond movie since Live and Let Die.
