MovieChat Forums > Monte Carlo (2011) Discussion > Major plot hole (spoiler)

Major plot hole (spoiler)

When checking in at a foreign hotel, travelers are asked to surrender their passports to the hotel. This is to ensure that the hotel gets paid when you check out, as you don't get your passport back until you have paid the bill. As such, when Selena's character checks in at the hotel in Monte Carlo, the desk clerk would know immediately from her passport that she was an american and not the british heiress she was pretending to be. But this fact would have stopped this movie short, and was obviously passed over to continue the story.



I've stayed in cheap hostels and 5 star hotels in Paris, Monaco, and Budapest (where they filmed part of this). I've stayed in hotels all over Europe, including Eastern Europe. I've never once been asked to surrender my passport.

Even if that was common policy, it wouldn't be a plot hole. The character was there as a guest for the charity auction. She was supposedly readily recognizable. She may not have had to pay for the room or even show ID.

Ok, so even if she had to show ID and leave a credit card... maybe that was a detail that was just cut out, but the ID and credit card may have been included in the package she originally received in Paris.


But we see Cordelia talk to the hotel people before they see Grace. Once they see her they assume she is Cordelia because they've already met her at the front desk. It was paid for too.

Rod: Ancestors protect me.
Kevin: May they protect you!


No, Cordelia has already checked in.


The biggest plot hole is that nobody in their tour group noticed them missing despite the guide remembering them earlier at the cathedral place and telling them to hurry up. Plus don't they have cell phones so they can get back with the group, and a set itinerary where they can meet up in the next place?

Its been a long time since I've been outside the US but I don't remember having to surrender any passports. Do American hotels do the same for foreign tourists?


You usually have to give your passport in at the beginning, they photocopy it and give it back. At least that is what happened when I stayed in Rome and Barcelona. When I stayed in a Travelodge near London I don't think they even asked me for my passport.


the biggest plot hole to me was that they just left all their things at the stinky hotel (stupid imdb for editing what I wanted to say) and never returned for them... seriously, someone like Grace who was saving pennies for the trip is going to abandon all her luggage???? i don't think so.


that's a bit old fashioned nowadays, when everyone is paying by credit card. i haven't been asked for my passport in a French hotel for many years. The thing I found really strange was the girls considering their trip ruined because they didn't like the tour they were on - there's no law says you've got to stay on a tour if you don't like it. They could just have ditched the tour and explored Paris on their own. And why were they upset when the coach left without them? Surely three grown women shouldn't be afraid to be on their own in Paris? It was slightly absurd.


I found that a bit absurd as well. How exactly does missing the bus on your tour make it ruined? Wouldn't they have had an itinerary or something, thus making it easy for them to be able to catch up with their tour at the next stop if they wanted to? Plus, it's not like you have to go on a guided tour to have a good time in Paris or to be a "good" traveler in Paris or anywhere really.

Once upon a time there was a magical place where it never rained. The end.
