MovieChat Forums > The Marvels (2023) Discussion > Stephen King Is Confused

Stephen King Is Confused

He doesn't like Marvel movies but he can't understand the gloating over the movie's failure:

What I can't understand is how such a small section of deplorables managed to sink a movie all by themselves. They couldn't sink Barbie.

How come all the decent people are not flocking to this movie to boost its profits?

It's almost like, it's a small group of decent people and a large group of deplorables that exist in society. But that can't be right.


It is way, way past time to knock it the fuck off accusing "deplorables" or "toxic fandom" when your shitty, woke movie bombs at the box office. There are female heroes who have broad appeal (e.g. Sarah Connor, Ellen Ripley, Wonder Woman, Lara Croft, et al.). Captain Marvel, as played by the unlikable Brie Larson, is not one of them.

Consider this:

Other diagnostics on The Marvels: 65% male leaning, with 45% men over 25, 22% women over 25 (giving it the best grades at 82%), men under 25 at 20%, and women under 25 at 14%.

Lookee there: who didn't turn up for this female-led movie? Why, it was women. The numbers don't lie. Significantly more of the audience was male.

Here's the reality: superhero action movies simply appeal more to men than women. Women tend to prefer romance, comedy, romantic comedy, crime, animated movies, etc.

So if you want your movie to succeed at the box office, it can be female led, but you better lay off the "strong wamen" Mary Sue characters, and lay off pushing an agenda. Concentrate on telling a good story, with interesting, relatable characters. Marvel hasn't been doing that lately, and Marvel's parent company, Disney, has gone woke as fuck.

If people are gloating at the movie's failure, it's not because they're "deplorable," it's because they figure if Disney gets spanked hard enough, it will finally get the message and start making worthwhile entertainment again.


I'm confused that anyone cares.

If you want to see a movie, see the movie.
If you give a shit about its box office performance, get over it. Plenty of awesome movies failed at the theater. Plenty of horrible movies made bank at the theater. BTW, this is a marvel movie. They've been the same movie made over and over again since phase 2.


It is curious that Stephen King of all people would be pulled up to defend the movie and be perplexed.

I mean, why didn't we get Ted Nugents hot take on it? Or JK Rowling?

Odd times.


That's the problem with social media in general.
