MovieChat Forums > Midnight Mass (2021) Discussion > such an interesting premise

such an interesting premise

this show is riding 100% on its premise. the execution was decent at times but then the story falls completely flat by the end. also the long and boring conversations weren't doing it any favors. i loved the fact that angels could be misinterpreted as vampires and the bible verses seem to back it up. too bad the vampire lord has virtually no story. then pruitt flips 180 suddenly at the end.


lol what exactly did you interpret to be the premise of this film, given that the vampirism is a mid season twist.

too bad the vampire lord has virtually no story.

That wasn't really the intention to know anything about the creature (and honestly, it doesn't really impact the story at all). The show was in part about how seemingly normal people could see vampires and other heinous behaviors, and then misinterpret it all as angels and something divine.


It’s more about how easily some people will justify their beliefs and actions, no matter how heinous they may be.


True true. I think there's a few key themes in play here.
But in terms of the vampire/angel itself, I think that's more about external rationalization than internal rationalization. I think both play a strong role here.

Paul sees the creature's terrible actions, and misconstrues it to be an angel from biblical text
Paul commits murder, and misinterprets his own lack of guilt to justify himself.


no one talks as long and pretentious acting as these characters do; I hope they all get their just desserts by the lame-looking vampires. These soliloquies get boring after a 2 min conversation.


The long speeches are childlike in quality. It’s what someone with no grasp on how to communicate effectively, and no concern or consideration in getting a response, would create in their head. A teenager would write these while holed up in his bedroom listening to the Jesus and Mary Chain.


uh, so you agree with me then?


They obviously do agree with you, and they were just adding on to your sentiment lol Not everything has to be disagreement here.
