MovieChat Forums > The Shannara Chronicles (2016) Discussion > Did all the people of color die out in t...

Did all the people of color die out in this future?

Last time I was in Seattle, there was quite a few Asian people there. In a cast of 24 there is one light skinned black female, one very Euro looking Asian male, and one brown skinned male who plays a "Demon Soldier". Maybe this series should take place in future Sweden instead, though Sweden is currently more diverse than this cast.


This is suppose to future Earth in North America. When did elves come back? There is one black woman in there. Don't know what happened to the rest of the minorities. Is it even mentioned in any of the books?

Movies Seen Recently In 2015
Jurrasic World
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation


Spoiler alert here.....

....OK, for those who have read the book series, it is mentioned that the elves are not directly related to the humans. The dwarves, gnomes, and trolls of the series are all descended from humans, but the elves were in the world long before humans came to be. Most of the characters in the show were elves, and there were elves of many color. Most of the main elven characters introduced are in the same family (Amberle, Ander, Arion, and Eventine), so it makes sense that they will be the same skin tone.


This is what gets me about all of these Epic Dystopian future novels/TV series. In the future people are going to be mostly Brown and less White/Caucasian, according to most studies.

All you need is love!

Come follow me:


This is what gets me about all of these Epic Dystopian future novels/TV series. In the future people are going to be mostly Brown and less White/Caucasian, according to most studies.

Nice barnyard logic. But that will never happen.


LOL but it's already happening. There are more Asians in the world than there are Caucasians (China, India), more brown skinned people than there are very white ones... most of them don't hate Whites, so it's not like they're trying to exterminate them - if anything they're trying to live with them, except for the terrorists (but they hate everyone regardless.)

can't outrun your own shadow


...well, they wanted to keep the cast safe...see what's currently happening in Germany and Sweden. Flame away; doesn't stop reality.

Not very original, but 'We accept the love we think we deserve.' Brilliant.


I felt that there were too many colored elves


Isn't it enough racial diversity for you that there are elves, humans, gnomes, etc... ? Why does there necessarily have to be blacks and whites?



Isn't it enough racial diversity for you that there are elves, humans, gnomes, etc... ? Why does there necessarily have to be blacks and whites?

Because there are cancerous people who need the casts to be equally divided in the several races so they dont get butthurt.


I dunno, maybe it was mostly the crazy gun-nut government distrusting, uber-conservative white people who would have all the crazy survivalist supplies, cabins, and shelters.

Maybe a few Korean grocery store owners survive as well, but maybe it was a lot of racists who survived, and they wouldn't let a lot of non-white people in, and the desperate non-white people killed each other to survive.

Hey, Eretria looks like she could be part Asian. Maybe the rovers or whatever have a lot of part-Asians.


It's filmed in New Zealand, one of the whitest nations on earth.

And there are only a handful of none Kiwis in the cast.

Not many Africans and Mexicans made it to the South Pacific.


'New Zealand, one f teh whitest nations on earth'? Clearly, you have never been to New Zealand.


They should have chosen all mixed race actors. If this show is set thousands of years in the future there won't even be fully white people anymore, everyone will be mixed.


My surprise is how none of the elves actually looked like elves. I don't ever remember them portrayed with beards, etc.


If I remember correctly there was a picture of King Eventine in one of the novels and he did have a beard. Also the elves of Shannara are not like the elves in Lord of the Rings. The book says they evolved to become human-like and lost most of their fairie attributes. That being said they are also a xenophobic race that stayed hidden from humanity before the Great Wars that wiped out humanity so you wouldn't expect them to have much diversity considering their isolated existance and low birth rates compared to humans (also mentioned in the books).

Btw the recent books that told the story of mankind's armageddon mention a latina Knight of the Word surviving and most of the humans who survived were Californians.
