MovieChat Forums > Miracle at St. Anna (2008) Discussion > Am i the only one who likes this film?

Am i the only one who likes this film?

Sure Spike Lee gets me upset sometimes with the things he says but this film i believe is underrated.

I thought it was a really well made film.

Who agrees?


Just saw it last night. It was kind of a mess, but I thought it was great. A really interesting complement to Inglourious Basterds.


I agree with Ebert: "Miracle at St. Anna" contains scenes of brilliance, interrupted by scenes that meander. There is too much, too many characters, too many subplots. But there is so much here that is powerful that it should be seen no matter its imperfections.
I also think he was right when he said the wrong man was walking in the last scene.

It is a movie that one needs to watch more than once.
Just watched it last night, and won't be mailing it back right away!

I liked the look of it... some great shots
The war scenes were confusing... but I am sure that is the reality of it as well.
I liked the contrast of characters.

randydolens, I will have to remember your comment when I see Inglourious Basterds.


I watched it very early this morning out of curiosity on the heels of having rewatched Saving Private Ryan last night.

I agree mostly with the above two posters but also agree with some of the criticisms of the film I've seen here. Initially, I thought I would move on to something else but found myself captivated by its unique quality and had to see it through. Good movie, underrated, should at least be a 7.5/10.


I actually thought it was a very good movie, very underrated.


I hate Spike Lee films because they create forums like this with people flocking to spread their racist ignorance a la the way Lee does, but this film was brilliant. As I said upon seeing it "this is the best World War 2 movie since Saving Private Ryan." Though a little long and perhaps a little confusing if you're not really paying attention, everything about it is great.


I also liked this movie. The acting, dialogue and scenes were great and captivating. I was practically in tears near the ending on the beach.


I was moved when Arturo said, 'This was our time to be children.' Made me think of the millions of children who were robbed of their innocence, youth, and lives during WWII.


I don't really think Spike is racist. He may be a little heavy handed and dealing with a subject that most Americans are uncomfortable with in the first place.



I believe most people dislike a majority of Lee's films because they deal with touchy subject matter that is rarely dealt with in length any more in this country. However I dont believe that Spike Lee does these works because he is a racist but because he sees that these subjects rarely get much attention by big name directors and when they are dealt with, they are often glossed over with little real sentiment from the black community.

Now as for the quality of the film, as others have suggested, the editing was a bit lacking and some scenes could have been cut, but overall I enjoyed the film and think that Lee did a good job making a work of art out of a deplorable time in human history. Spikes use of motifs in his films can be a bit overbearing at times but he is only trying to make the connection between these episodes in history through fiction to tell the story of human tragedy.


I liked the film. It's part of my WWII collection of films, including Band of Brothers and Flags of Our Fathers.

I saw this in the theatre. When it ended, the audience applauded.

When I watched it at home, my wife saw it for the first time. She just happened to be breastfeeding the baby during the scene where the citizens were massacred, the last being a baby crying over its mother's bare breast. We got pretty emotional.


Wasn't as bad as it was made out to be but wasn't great either. The lead female character probably is why I sat through the movie, though.


I loved the film!!! Something different from SL -a touch of the spiritual and fantasy that was very compelling.


I thought this film was terrible, and not because of the subject matter.

It was just a bad film. Too long, badly shot action scenes, goofs galore, random sub plots, terrible dialogue etc etc.

cancelled too soon:
-New Amsterdam
