MovieChat Forums > Happy-Go-Lucky (2008) Discussion > Would you like a friend like Poppy?

Would you like a friend like Poppy?

I would like a friend like her :D


Frankly, she strikes me as superficial and depressed behind her happy-go-lucky facade. Maybe that was the point. Anyway, she must be great to go barhopping with.

"Don't just DO something, STAND there!"
Pastor Charlie Bing


I'd love to be friends with someone like her. There are too many miserable people in this world. I find Poppy refreshing and fun!

And by the way.... I don't think she is at all shallow. Look at how she tried so hard to be kind to the homeless man. How many people do you see doing that? Oh, and how she was so concerned over the behavior of Nick. Instead of being angry with him over his bullying, she was kind and gentle, and actually made some progress in at least identifying a bit of what was causing his poor behavior.

That's why I love this film. Poppy gives me a bit of hope for the world, and for myself. :)


There are too many miserable people in this world. I find Poppy refreshing and fun!

Hell yes, Poppy rocks. It takes a lot of balls to be a happy person in a world like this, and I admire anyone who can do it.


Poppy is an amazing person. She understands the entire array of human emotions. She can be happy, chipper, upbeat, and wholly optimistic... but she can be very deep and understanding.

She's the type of friend that wouldn't judge you and would stick by your side through thick and thin. There aren't many of those these days.


Ideally? Sure, absolutely. She's great.

But I'd probably fall in love with her, and I'm not so sure I'd want to be friendzoned.


Would love her to be my friend!!!!

Although I often think quite an a number of people around me are forced to pretend to be happy (i.e.: lonely/depressed frensh men college students), Poppy is a genuinely happy and positive person who's got a big heart. She's very mature, understanding, sympathetic, sensitive and adult often times. I just can't adore her more!

I don't intend to be offensive, but I have to defend my opinions.


not really, maybe a toned down version. It may seem weird but if I was around an eternal optimist like Poppy it would probably make me freak out. I think I'm as positive as the next person but when I don't really see the whole spectrum of feelings from someone I feel as if they're kinda fugazi.

"And as I sip on my soda that I'm sure somebody spit in..." - Silky Johnson


"Frankly, she strikes me as superficial and depressed behind her happy-go-lucky facade. Maybe that was the point."

Why do people think that people who are genuinely cheerful are really depressed inside?
Seriously, what's wrong with being happy go lucky?

I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, it just worries me that people these days seem to think that anyone with a chipper attitude is really deeply depressed. I realize that yes there are people like that, but not everyone is.

I'd be friends, even best friends, with Poppy in a heartbeat!


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"



nah, i find her to self centered and annoying.


Not a chance. She is completely without empathy. Everything is about how the outside world affects her, and if someone isn't as willfully, fakely happy as she is, she harasses, pressures and teases them relentlessly. She wants to choose to see the world her way, and to be happy with whatever life sends her, but none of the people around her are allowed to make that same choice for themselves. What's so awful about not being chipper every minute of the day?

This. She's an awful, pushy person and wouldn't make me feel 'happier' at all, if anything, her underlying depression would be transmitted. So no, I would not like a friend like her at all, this is exactly the type of person I despise.

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