MovieChat Forums > Happy-Go-Lucky (2008) Discussion > Would you like a friend like Poppy?

Would you like a friend like Poppy?

I would like a friend like her :D


She's a bit full on. I think she'd begin to grate on me after a while


We'd be friends from a distance.


Of course. People who find her annoying or grating are on their way to becoming someone like Scott.

Anton Chigurh is dead and Spider-Man 3 is superior in every way to Funny Games.



I'm only hateful to someone who already has that in their heart. Hopelessly unhappy people - like you, or Scott - will project their problems onto other people. In other words: you're still the worst.

Anton Chigurh is dead and Spider-Man 3 is superior in every way to Funny Games.



I'd not only like a friend like her - I'd also date her in a heartbeat. :)


I feel like I would almost need a friend like her to counteract my often moody personality. I'm a nice person, but I tend to retreat when I get depressed, which I admit is more often than not. Poppy would probably help to get me out of that slump.


Not a chance. She is completely without empathy. Everything is about how the outside world affects her, and if someone isn't as willfully, fakely happy as she is, she harasses, pressures and teases them relentlessly. She wants to choose to see the world her way, and to be happy with whatever life sends her, but none of the people around her are allowed to make that same choice for themselves. What's so awful about not being chipper every minute of the day?



I've had two friends like Poppy growing up (one was a buddhist so that might have something to do with it). And while everyone sits here saying "Oh I'd like to have a friend like Poppy" I think in actuality they'd shoot themselves in the head (when you have two of them going at it, speaking their own funny langauge, my god it's enough to turn you into Scott).

I'm a nice person, I believe that you should always smile (you know that story about the smile afterall), and be nice, if someone is rude, don't lash out just be civil, kill em with kindness, but people like Poppy have the attention span of knats. They take nothing seriously. It's pretty amazing that they make it in the real world with their naivete. I think 'blissfully ignorant' sums it up. They're all over the place. It's like dealing with a small child. You're going to have to be the grownup in the friendship.

If you can deal with that (a person with the mentality of a 5 year old) than yes, Poppy would be the perfect friend for you. But if you'd rather embrace the real world and take the rose tinted glasses off than Poppy would be a challange. You'd probably only want to spend time with her 2 or 3 times a month because let me tell you everyday with someone like that is just too much. You're better off becoming a teacher and working with small children. It'll be the same.

If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all


Have one almost like her. I've spent twenty years swinging from exasperation to feeling warmth and affection towards her. They can be extremely disarming, because they're extremly warm-hearted and genuine.


I would love to have a friend like her!
She would brighten my day!


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


I like how you write...

You're better off becoming a teacher and working with small children.

...just like Poppy, then?


iseepinkelefants, I don't think there's anything particularly naive about Poppy. As others have said, she's serious and mature when she needs to be - with the kid who's violent in class, with the homeless man, and with Scott towards the end. She takes those things exactly as seriously as she needs to.

However, I think that perhaps some of her full-on extroversion at the beginning of the film (which I did find a bit grating) had to do with sexual frustration. She quietened down rather a lot once she got laid :-)

Overall I didn't quite buy Poppy, I think she was a little bit too much of a construct as opposed to a real person, but as an example of the way we can choose happiness as opposed to choosing to affirm ourselves through misery I think she's a pretty interesting construct.

I used to want to change the world. Now I just want to leave the room with a little dignity.


It would be a shag of a time to get Poppy and her flat mate into bed.
