Terrible, just terrible

The terrible dialog has these two legends making unfunny comment after unfunny comment, and they just seem to have wrong the demeanor throughout. It's like they gathered together some of the best actors in the world and then made them act out a script written by a high school freshman. Their mailed-in performances made it obvious that they knew this thing was a stinker. And the "twist" at the end was blatantly obvious about mid-way through the movie. I can't figure out why De Niro and Pacino agreed to be in this. Very disappointing.


I would like to disagree with u since i love deniro and pacino so much but in view of what i saw in this pitiful movie i can't do $hit but agree!

Pathetic movie. Almost unacceptable considering the 2 living legends.

"People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs"


they get older since HEAT,Avnet is not Michael Mann

anyway total waste of film and talent
"life is Chiaroscuro matter" Fabio


So much potential wasted.



garbage movie it ruined the mysticism between these 2 legends that was created by "Heat" what a load of garbage it was, no wonder when you pair em up with thew likes of 50 cent aint going to help
