MovieChat Forums > Defiance (2009) Discussion > Stealing from poor farmers to feed Jews ...

Stealing from poor farmers to feed Jews hiding in the forest?

That's sickening! Especially when considering that those farmers' lives (and their families' lives) were at stake, as they had to give a cut of their harvests to the Nazis.


agree, shocking - they should have popped to Tesco!


Why, you think Hollywood cares about them? From their point of view they were no better than animals. Look, Stalin and his right hand devil Beria starved 12 million of Ukrainians to death in 1933 - men, women and children. How many movies has Hollywood made about this mass murder that has almost no equal in history of mankind (other than similar tragedies in China)? You guessed - 0. And the number of movies that Hollywood is going to make about it = 0 as well. And those people you're referring to were probably later murdered by NKVD anyway, so why make movies about them, right?



::Why can't you try and write the screenplays by yourself in order to make the things fair?

Who told you that Hollywood strives to make things look fair? It takes a specific point of view, a point of view shared by all the Hollywood producers, picks up facts that support this point of view, twists and invents others to do the same, do all the thinking for you and voila, here's a typical Hollywood production.

It's not the trick to write a script - the trick is to find someone who'll produce it. And if you show it to a producer who happens to hate hairdressers, while your protagonist is one, then you'll receive a "Did not keep my interest" reply. And the chances are other producers are aware of this one's aversion to hairdressers, so you'll receive the same reply from all. But, if you come to your senses and make the hairdresser the bad guy while you make the shoemaker the good one, your script will immediately score high and get produced right away, and will win a pile of awards at the annual clown show in "best brown nose of the year" or some such category.

Swimming with the current and keeping your nose constantly brown is the key to success in Hollywood. The key to a new house, a new lexus and a rolex.




That was great. And very true.


And the chances are other producers are aware of this one's aversion to hairdressers, so you'll receive the same reply from all.
Swimming with the current and keeping your nose constantly brown is the key to success in Hollywood. The key to a new house, a new lexus and a rolex.

Chris I couldn't agree with you more. If you want to succeed in Hollywood you have to do exactly as all the others are doing. For eg, I notice when a protagonist cheats in a TV show, before the episode ends he is crying and begging for forgiveness, because he cannot live a lie. Do you think they'd let Booth in Bones or Michael in Burn Notice cheat without crying for forgiveness before the end of the ep? No way. Cause the viewers want their protagonists faithful, so that's what Hollywood gives them. Only one exception I recall was in The Chicago Code, and look how long that lasted, just about 13 episodes.

Another scenario: I watched an episode of Army Wives last night. There's a gay couple and one of them didn't want to tell her mother. Do you think Hollywood would make the mother really angry and go away without staying to the daughter's award ceremony, bitter and angry that she just found out hours ago her daughter is gay? No way, Hollywood makes sure that the mother forgives her within a couple of hours after finding out that her thirty-something year old daughter had been lying to her all her life; then they make the mother forgive her daughter for her seeming deception, and for living a life that the mother doesn't agree with, and take sacharinly sweet photos with the daughter AND her lesbian lover. No way Hollywood is letting the mother remain angry and go home "nursing her wounds" and remaining angry.

So if as a screenwriter you want to succeed in Hollywood, then:

(1) if you have a lead star and he cheats, make sure the cheating only lasts a couple of hours and then make sure he spills the beans to the girlfriend/spouse
(2) if you have a gay couple that came out to their parents, make sure that it is resolved by the end of the ep and that the parents forgive and welcome their child's mate with open arms.

That's how to succeed as a screenwriter in Hollywood.

This is my signature and I'm sticking to it. lol


Just to support you, two Baltic states lost a third of their already small population to the Soviet regime, via assassinations, deportations our outright slaughters. Same thing happened to many other occupied states and worst of all, in Russia itself - we all know about the Red Army assault tactics, how to, uh, motivate men.
But no, since, you know, Stalin helped to eradicate the Nazi threat, ol' Steel 'stache gets a slap on the wrist in Hollywood movies. Nah. Lets make one about Nazis instead, nobody likes them and they all were animals with no souls anyway, totally!

This whole ordeal makes me sick in my stomach. EVERYBODY suffered in one way or another, and nobody was completely guiltless. And I approve what you're doing in these boards, I salute you.







that bothered me too, but it was what they were reduced too... imagine you're being forced into the woods by a murderous rigime and you have no food to sustain yourself. Your only survivable option is to steal from the locals, because asking pretty please, house to house would have gotten you and your whole community killed. What would you do? Starve?



Sorry why is Shakespeare relevant?

One man's truth is another man's bull$h1t I'll leave it at that.

JESSIE There, now I can change my ID as often as I damn well please.




The local farmers were more than likely anti-Semites anyway, so does it really matter?











No, I did not interrogate them. However, it is entirely feasible that I could have done so, writing this in early 2013, thereby making me close to 90 years of age or thereabouts. Totally possible still for a geriatric and Patriotic War Veteran to do internet and imdb.
Yet, I based my comment on my experiences from being from the general region. Certainly there are exceptions to every rule.


I would have hunted.

The way the brothers grew up, I assume they hunted and fished. Living that close to fast streams and deep woods, there had to be plentiful game.

Hunting is never mentioned in the movie and its omission bugs me.



The sound of weapons going off in the forests would probably attract 'unwanted attention'...




That's far too difficult a question for people that have trouble filling in KKK membership application forms.


I actually think you bring up a valid point but no one is going to care what you have to say because of the obviously anti-semetic way you said it.

What difference does it make if the people hiding in the forest were Jews. Would your argument not make as much sense and be far less controversial had you simply said "Stealing from poor farmers to feed people hiding in the forest?" and leave out the Jewish reference? That would bring up a human issue. Is it OK to steal from someone and perhaps put their life in danger for the sake of your own survival. That would also bring up a moral issue which some people might be willing to discuss. What you did was focus on the religious beliefs of the people in the forest and you showed your true feelings that you view them as less than humans by doing so. Your comment makes it seem that you would have no problem if the people stealing food from the poor farmers were not Jews but because they are its sickening.

Its too bad really because like I said, it is a valid point. Many people we view as heroes have done things that other people may not view as heroic. Many people who we put up on a pedestal may not be so worthy if they were forced to undergo scrutiny of all their actions. Many heroic events as a whole may have small aspects of decidedly non-heroic, perhaps even selfish, actions. Those are understandably and rightly debated but when you introduce an obviously divisive element into the discussion in your opening salvo you won't get many people to play along.

I honestly thought something along very similar lines but I did not look at it as Jews performing those acts. I simply wondered how heroic it was for a PERSON to do that to another PERSON.


What you did was focus on the religious beliefs of the people in the forest and you showed your true feelings that you view them as less than humans by doing so.

Now that's absurd. I mentioned the fact that those people were Jews, and you think it means that I'm anti-semitic or that I "view them as less than humans"? Please!
My point was that yes the Jews were hiding in the forest to avoid deportation to concentration camps and/or death. But gentiles' lives were just as much in peril. Everyone under Nazi control during WWII was equally screwed. Jews, gentiles, everyone. Gentiles just as easily faced the possible punishment of death as Jews did.



"Gentiles just as easily faced the possible punishment of death as Jews did." - False. Gentiles weren't exported to death camps for being gentiles. Was everybody's life in greater peril under the Nazis? Generally speaking, yes. Where there lives all equally in peril... absolutely not.



my friend, you are not a Jewish. You are a Jew. You may describe yourself as a Jewish person, but it is nonsense to say that you are a Jewish. besides all this it is uncertain whether you are trying to affirm or negate my point that while many groups where persecuted by the Nazis not all groups were persecuted equally. I believe it's pretty clear who were the most persecuted. I hope you can figure it out.




I think it's more sickening that the Jews had to hide in the forest in the first place.


way to keep things in perspective :-)


A poor farmer is still in better shape than Jews hiding in a forest

"Why the *beep* would I blow up Chick-fil-A? It's *beep* delicious."


I think the more important point is that this greatly incentivises the farmers to rat them out in order to save their own asses.


That's sickening! Especially when considering that those farmers' lives (and their families' lives) were at stake, as they had to give a cut of their harvests to the Nazis.

So is helping Nazis.

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Well put.
