'It's natural!' A stupid argument

According to many marijuana advocates, pot is "good" because it's "natural" while processed drugs are bad. What about tobacco? You don't have to process it to smoke it, yet it's clearly bad for you. Cyanide occurs naturally in peach pits. So is cyanide also a wonder drug that's going to save humanity? Snake venom is also natural. Would you like to get bitten by a rattlesnake?


It's like LSD and mushrooms. A lot of people would rather do mushrooms because it's "natural" and since LSD is a synthetic chemical it must be bad for you. Give me a break. I hate those hypocrites! They'll take any synthetic chemical, any day of the week, without asking any questions as long as their doctor gives them a script but god forbid they come in contact with LSD. People put too much trust into anyone with an answer eg. the government, religion, police.


legalization argument aside, tobacco is as natural as marijuana? that's completely false. tobacco is PROCESSED, and fertilized with radioactive chemicals in most cases.

but more to the point of debate. poision ivy is natural and not beneficial to people, should it too be made illegal? alcohol is not natural and can cause serious health problems and death. the point is that it is completely arbitrary to say alcohol and tobacco are okay, but marijuana isn't. it's even downright crazy when you look at how many people die from tobacco and alcohol every year, compared to zero deaths from marijuana.
