'It's natural!' A stupid argument

According to many marijuana advocates, pot is "good" because it's "natural" while processed drugs are bad. What about tobacco? You don't have to process it to smoke it, yet it's clearly bad for you. Cyanide occurs naturally in peach pits. So is cyanide also a wonder drug that's going to save humanity? Snake venom is also natural. Would you like to get bitten by a rattlesnake?


You're an idiot.

Are you SERIOUSLY trying to say that weed is just as dangerous as synthetic drugs like meth?


AIM - CycoFishHead


No, I know it's not that dangerous, but it's not some kind of panacea that's going to cure all the world's ills either. I was attacking the logic of the argument that "it's natural so it must be totally harmless." That's just as stupid as the old "weed is going to kill you" propaganda.


You are the idiot since you clearly missed his point
Datura (antropin is the active substance) is natural but probably worse for your brain than pcp


It was stated to emphasize the difference between natural drugs and synthetic drugs, such as crystal meth. I'd also like to point out that you nitpicking and comparing marijuana to rattlesnake venom is astronomically absurd.


Obviously you people are not reading what I wrote carefully enough. I didn't compare rattlesnake venom to marijuana. The argument stoners always use is that marijuana is less harmful than other recreational drugs precisely because it's natural. That's illogical. There are many naturally occurring substances that are very harmful. The reason marijuana is less harmful than meth or crack isn't because it's natural. It just happens to be less harmful. Tobacco is just as natural as marijuana and it's more harmful.


I'll repeat: It was stated to emphasize the difference between natural drugs and synthetic drugs, such as crystal meth.

They didn't say that everything found in nature is good. They just distinguished it. I understand where you're coming from, but it's not that big of a deal really.

Out of curiosity, are you for or against the legalization of marijuana?


I don't really feel that strongly about the issue, though I would favor decriminalization over prohibition. It doesn't effect me directly since I don't use it. I didn't discover the "it's natural" argument solely from this film, I've heard people use it over and over again and it's getting tired. They never explicitly say marijuana/mushrooms are less harmful than meth or coke because they're natural, but it's strongly implied. Joe Rogan approvingly called it something like a "Christian" stance (no doubt influenced by Rastafarianism).


Don't worry mizkreant. Your argument is completely solid. People always us the natural-is-better argument but only see that logic through tunnel vision.

Don The Producer
Think for Yourself. Listen to Adam.


Poison ivy is natural lets smoke it.


I think the "natural" argument attempts demonstrates that the USE of pot it not inherently "bad" in the moral sense of the word, not in the toxic sense. The natural/Christian argument goes something like this: God is good, God put everything on earth for people to use, pot is on earth, therefore God intended people to use pot and pot is good.

I guess you could say rattlesnakes are put on earth, and thus they're also intended for people to use. Incidentally, some Christians do use rattlesnakes in religious ceremonies. Also, various kinds of poisons have found medical uses, such as botox or cyanide.

I don't know the toxicity of pot. But I imagine anything burn into smoke form and then inhaled is not "good", in the toxic sense, for the lungs. Of course, pot may be ingested by other means.


Exactly smoking pot = physically bad, eating pot = little/no physical harm, maybe even good for you like lots of leafy plants?



I think the whole "it's natural" argument is used more often to justify why it should be legal, rather than why pot isn't bad for you. In my experience anyway.


What kginsane said. It should be legal because it is natural. Most people believe in a god who allegedly created everything. If that's the case, then s/he created marijuana, tobacco, snake venom, etc. I agree that just because it's natural doesn't mean it's harmless. Legal drug companies use the same excuse though, advertising drugs that are "herbal or all natural!" because it does make some people feel safer.

See what I did there?



Um, did you intend to reply to me? Maybe you smoke too much?

See what I did there?



Okay, well each post has its own reply button and you "replied" to me, so... yeah. The person to whom you were speaking probably did not read your reply. Good luck next time.

See what I did there?



