Sympathy for Gabita?

I recently re-watched this movie, and for the first time (I've seen it twice before), I felt quite a bit of sympathy for Gabita. Originally, she frustrated me completely with her carelessness, mistakes, and the enormous burdens she places on Otilia. This time around, though, I began to feel very sorry for her. Cristian Mungiu has stated before that many things in the movie were left ambiguous and unexplained on purpose. So it's quite possible that Gabita was, in reality, very similar to Otilia-- perhaps she was pregnant by a boyfriend who, unlike Adi, didn't offer to marry her, or perhaps went back on his word-- or she decided not to have the baby because she didn't want to marry him because of some differences (you might remember that Adi's family, for instance, makes Otilia very uncomfortable and it is insinuated that she wouldn't want to marry him if he did get her pregnant).

And then I thought about it from a pregnant woman's perspective. I think this might be one of those things that you can't fully understand until you've been in this situation, but having an abortion EVEN if it's legal and even if the pregnancy was conceived in a committed relationship, is very emotionally taxing. Imagine not having your partner support you through it. And now imagine having to procure one in a Communist Romania under the oppressive misogynistic Ceausescu-regime. Yes, Gabita made a lot of stupid preventable mistakes, but I want to give her the benefit of the doubt with most of it because it was very evident to me that she had been carrying the burden alone for some time (I deduced this from the fact that even Otilia didn't know how far along she was in her pregnancy).

So what do you think? Are Gabita's missteps forgivable?


Why should I feel sorry for her? She put herself in a bad situation, then her friend was also dragged down with her.

Who met up with the abortionist who could have been an undercover police officer? This is Romania after all, the government had eyes and ears everywhere.

Who had to carry the fetus out afterwards to dispose of it? Her friend could have been caught and sent to prison for a very long time.

Gabita is a horrible person for putting her friend in this situation. She deserves no sympathy whatsoever.


She has a certain helplessness about her, but that hardly makes her a horrible person. There's a certain element of having a problem so huge, with no good options, that can be completely overwhelming---people in those situations can have difficulty dealing with their own problems because of how emotionally taxing it is for them to even think about. That's more or less the vibe I got from Gabita; she's not trying to drag Otilia down with her, she's just terrible at dealing with stressful situations.


I agree with you whole heartedly about the situation being very difficult to understand. It's very hard to imagine what that poor girl was going through, what both of them were going through. Everything to do with sex in Communist Romania was ridiculously restricted. Obviously she made mistakes and Otilia was a champ for doing all of that for her. It was all just awful. Gabita was just emotionally wrecked, I couldn't imagine having to abort a child, especially under those situations.



Gabita was annoying as hell ("did you bury it?"), but of course I felt enormous sympathy for her & her situation.


Also when she didn't answer the phone near the end in the hotel room. I was like pick it up!


Her situation warrants pity but that character was just combination of everything terrible and I applaud Otilia for sticking with her.

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down and a Wagging Finger of Shame
