
That one word, describes this trash and is almost as much as I should bother saying about it. But I'll say just a little more.

Stopped watching about 2/3rds of the way through--I'd had enough. Torture porn, whatever you want to call it but I'll tell you this is trash plain and simple.

Also whether you somehow like garbage like this or not, this is NOT horror. There's nothing scary or even remotely scary about it. I'm not sure how someone would like this "movie" but even if you're a sicko that does, it's still NOT a horror film.

This is one of the very few films I've had to rate a 1/10 on IMDb. It's not that it's bad, it's that it never should have been made in the first place. Even if a film is downright terrible I give it a 2. Films like this though have no business being filmed. Wish I could unwatch and recommend you do not watch. Don't waste even a minute of your time on this. Ugh.


It's a masterpiece!

Shut up!


Well said! This piece of crap put me off horror films for months (back when I was a big fan of them) cause is just plain SICK! Wish I had never seen a second of it!


Very sorry if you thought a horror movie about the effects of human abuse was going to be anything short of an emotional roller coaster...stick to Iron Man.


So let me get this straight: because you don't like it, everyone should just stop watching these kinds of movies, and pander to you?

Or in other words, you're promoting censorship, because yourmind is too weak to cope with the more cruel and horrible aspects of life, reflected on cinema. And you can't handle that other people are not as romanticized as yourself.

I'm willing to bet that you would've absolutely adored this movie, if only it had a happy ending right? How very American of you.

Look pal, you will never get to tell others what they can, or cannot do. Ever. So get over yourself, and move on with your life. Not everyone shares your views, so stop trying to enforce them by attempting to advocate censorship on IMDb. Horror movies are not meant to be lighthearted, and it's certainly not for everyone. Clearly, it's not a genre for you. Might I suggest comedies or action flicks for you.

I'm not even gonna comment on your ridiculous claims that everyone who likes this, or any similar kind of movie, must be "sickos" or whatnot, because I think we both know that, that is not even remotely true and holds absolutely no bearing whatsoever in reality.

It's people like you, that are one of the many reasons why the Internet should've never been invented in the first place...

And btw. a horror movie doesn't necessarily have to be "scary" in order to qualify as one. Look up the term "horror" in a dictionary, and you'll see what I mean.


Oh shut the American stereotype and "romanticized" crap. This garbage film has nothing to offer anyone, sure as hell not enlightenment OR reflects on real life; give me a freaking break!

"It's people like you, that are one of the many reasons why the Internet should've never been invented in the first place... "

So you're anti-censorship one minute and wishing people like him couldn't express his opinions publicly the next. How ironic.


hahaha, weak mind... hahahaha, great film.


If you suspect something to be torture porn, try and find out first then don't watch it. I will never be watching this film. Saves the trouble of putting garbage in my head.


You clearly didn't get what this movie was about. Honestly, people like you need to stick to rated G movies and crawl into a bubble, because the world isn't black and white. This movie may be "torture porn" in your eyes, but this type of stuff can and probably does happen and did happen in life, so goodbye and the end.


LOL, love how weirdo devotees of this film think the only kinds of movies in the world are either G-rated or total pointless depravity like this. No in-between at all! Yeah, THAT'S realistic.


Sounds like you were simply offended by the film OP. Don't be a pussy and say the film was crap, just be honest and say you're a wuss.
