This game is awful!

I preordered my copy, picked it up, played it and I'm completely disappointed! This game is absolutely awful. I don't know if I was just expecting too much after KOTOR or what but I wouldn't recommend buying it to anyone. I can't be the only one who feels this way, can I?

Evil will always triumph because good is dumb.


If you were expecting something similar to KOTOR, that's where you went wrong and you can't blame the game for your disappointment in it.

I prefer the hack and slash action of TFU, to the RPG's like KOTOR. Even though I have played KOTOR, I never liked RPG's as much as I like star wars so I never finished it.

I bought mine on the PS3, if that makes any difference and I really enjoyed it. I never had a problem with the gameplay or the camera angles as most people have expressed. And the DLC is pretty sick

What I got the game for more than anything was the storyline which, IMO, was nothing short of great.

If anyone was big on KOTOR, I wouldn't recommend it either. But for a hack and slash, action adventure game I'd say give it a whirl



1. Darth Vader's voice was horrible

2. What, Yoda struggles to lift a pipe at the end of Episode 2 but this kid can pull a *beep* Star Destroyer through an atmosphere into the planet surface? *beep*

3. Am i the only person who found it extraordinarily lame that Darth Maul made an appearance as a robot?


This game, like most games, isn't worth the $60 price tag but it wasn't a complete letdown. I expected more, but the end product is about on par with most of the good games that came out last year or early 2009. There are good elements of the game and bad elements and I don't think the good or the bad overshadow each other. The combat can be chaotic and fast paced, but sometimes it is too chaotic and certain forced camera views during some battles can make it hard to see where the Apprentice is in relation to enemies. The mini-event sequences during boss and mini boss battles were a neat element. I rarely ever used the targeting system, it was pretty bad. The camera itself can be troublesome and produce some awkward angles during combat and tricky movement or platforming situations. I thought the cutscenes were decent albeit the over-cleavification of some of the characters...could Shaak-ti have worn a more skimpy outfit, seems like she was dressed for a Jedi Illustrated Swimsuit edition and Mon Mothma was the only female character in the game that wasn't showin' off some cleave.

The RPG aspects were nice, really enjoyed those, as well as the physics effects. I have to agree with comment #2 and #3 by baldy92; the Star Destroyer scene while intersting was not believable in the scoper of the Apprenitce's abilities and the Darth Maul as a hologram appearance seemed totally arbitrary.

For my last point I bring up the Apprentice character, the behavior and personality of the Apprentice seemed out of place in regards to him being a Sith. He just didn't seem taht dark or mysterious which is what I thought the character should have been more like.

An awful game? No it wasn't, but it wasn't as good as the original Jedi Knight or Jedi Outcast.



I hoped for a better game because I love Jedi Knight Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. I hoped for somehting more similar to Jedi Outcast as far as depth is concerned, but still this game is fun with the best force power gameplay yet in any Star Wars game.

Also this game has some great boss battles.


I honestly don't understand how anyone who was looking forward to this game ended up hating it. Sure the camera and targeting were a bit of a pain, but those were the only drawbacks. The combos and force powers made for a real fun fighting experience. Plus the story is just awesome. What happened to the days when a good game was respected by all players? Now too many retards are into FPS games. Which, while fun, is just the same *beep* over, and over, and over again.


well its not awful is it, it isnt a master piece but it is a great came, the story is superb, the use of light sabres and force powers is great, theres only a few flaws not enough to call it awful


I really enjoy the game for what it is. An action combat game.


it isnt awful, nor is it a truley great game but its still enjoyable and enteraining, yes it has its flaws bu i still enjoy plaing it. awful is a bit strog , alot went into this game and id say its definately a 7 or 8 out of 10
