MovieChat Forums > Argo (2012) Discussion > The BOGUS and cheesy ending.

The BOGUS and cheesy ending.

A while ago someone posted this very perceptive analysis of Argo's ridiculous (and bogus) ending, which I saved:

The mission has been pulled, IT'S ABORTED! (come on, would they really leave them high and dry on the last day after having exposed them?)

But screw the rules, WE'RE LEAVING! cue some corny "I've never left anyone behind on my watch, and I'll be damned if I will start today."

So they're leaving and the CIA, Hollywood, THE WHITE HOUSE, all have to now catch up. Wow, corny! "We're a spy agency, figure it out!"

So they're on the way to the airport. They get there. And he is left there with his d#$k in his hand (as prewarned!). The computer doesn't have any record of his booking! (I thought they had booked these tickets previously????)

Make the call, "PLEASE CHECK AGAIN", bingo, we have boarding tickets. (nick of time, the line was getting long!)

Slip up two, no entry papers. Oh no, we're done. But wait, we have a letter from the minister of arts. All good!

About to board, oh no, there is another guard, and he's angry!

Tense moment, we're done. Oh wait, someone speaks Iranian! We have storyboards to impress these young men. "You can keep them." Calm before the storm, we can board, and we better hurry, our flight has been called as "final boarding" 5 times now!

Time to go, phew. Oh wait, some kid got shredded photos from the embassy, and they have matched it to photos taken of the crew the day before, and we've rushed to the Canadian ambassador's mansion and they're gone!!! STOP THE PLANE!!!!

Okay, let me step in here. Why not directly call the airport tower and cancel the flight? Seems pretty straight forward. They have phones I'm guessing? Radio even?

But what happens? The angry guard at the door is called. Now he must get them on the tarmac!

HURDLE 1. The door doesn't open!
HURDLE 2. After shooting out the door, there is a locked gate!
HURDLE 3. Bus on tarmac has problem starting!
HURDLE 4. Plane is taking off and cops are chasing with guns to shoot out tire!
HURDLE 5. Guards have made it into the radio tower!!


Wait, no, wait, there could be jets that have been scrambled. No wait, they just announced that we can now drink booze because we've cleared Iranian airspace.

WE'RE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was the most melodramatic ending I've seen. I could not believe that such a cheeseball ending got a best picture nomination, LET ALONE WON IT!
I totally agree. I'm sorry that it seems I didn't keep the poster's name, so if it was you, please post and take credit for it. It was spot on. (Oh, and it bears repeating that NONE of that "tension-building" nonsense was what ever happened.)


You were there. Give us the real story..


Was that supposed to be clever? The thing about HISTORY, you see, is that a lot of people WERE there, who wrote about it, and talked about what really happened.

So when some two-bit film-maker pretends to be telling the "true story", except that he's added nearly ninety minutes of hogwash that never happened just to make it "more exciting", and he's added characters who never existed, and he omits the REAL hero of the story so that he can play some bogus hero, who in reality only arrived at the last minute, never did anything of value, and never took any of the six anywhere, not at any time, the rest of us are entitled to call it a huge pile of b.s.

Which is what it was.


Livesingrace there is this new invention called MOVING PICTURE better known as Movies or film, where uhhh. ITs not real and well kinda made up? ALSO Santa Claus isn't real BUT the easter bunny hes real yeah 100% real!


Well, as I have said MANY times already, if you want to tell a story where at least 85 percent of it is made-up b.s. that never happened, you just stop pretending it's got anything to do with an event that really happened, because it's now not even close.

If they had made a fictional movie like this and said it was about something taking place in Venezuela in the year 2005, nobody would be complaining, least of all me. But no, they wanted to pretend that this was history. That idiot Ben Affleck was even going on talk shows declaring, "It's all true." Oh no, it wasn't!

And when they PRETEND they're telling the story of something that REALLY HAPPENED in Iran in 1978, only they've omitted the real hero completely, insulted real people who had risked their lives to help neighbours who were in a jam, added a bunch of people who never existed, and had the cast of characters spend almost 90 minutes doing things they never did in real life, that is called LYING. All that preposterous hokum at the end may have been exciting for the clods in the audience, but NONE OF IT IS WHAT HAPPENED.

Most of the people WHO WERE THERE are still alive today. How are they supposed to feel when they see people with their names, who were even cast because they looked like them -- only they're spending most of the movie doing things they know they never did??

It's just pathetic that the U.S. keeps trying to rewrite history to make themselves look like the heroes and winners, when the ugly truth is that they were no such thing.


578, just shut the hell up please.


Pretty accurate post, my favourite is the idiot speaking arab to explain the storyboards. He keeps making noises with his mouth to impress the guard as if he is too stupid to just understand words. It looked like C3po telling tales to the ewoks.
As in, Iranians are so primitive that making noises to impress an agent questioning your authenticity and lack of proper paperwork is a good idea.
And the best part is that in this movie it works.
