What were Coco's intentions

I got from this movie that Coco wanted to instill passion in Igor to make his music better, and she was using him to create another work of art via his music and, of course, selfishly meeting some of her own needs sexually or otherwise. Perhaps Igor was another one of Coco's collections. Whatever it is, she basically came off as stone-hearted.


I completely agree. She did not seem passionate at all, she was obviously just using the composer, shamelessly in front of his family. She came off as a cold and frigid woman who only enjoys having control over others (remember the scene at her shop when she was criticizing her employees?). She is manipulating, immoral and calculating, a very unattractive character.


"For the Girls, the Moorish Room"---CoCo

..She wants to po$$e$$ whoever she admires. She wants to be accepted & to po$$e$$ the soul of the person she admires. She wants to be admired by the 1 she admires..

--- --- ---
She Wore A Raspberry Beret

Under The Wide and Starry Sky(Nancy Horan)

Stevenson Trail Cevennes, France---In TRAVELS WITH A DONKEY---R.L.S. recounts his epic 130mile(210km)walk along the spine of the cevennes in south France, with only his donkey for company

You never get over your 1st great love, Colette says in 1 of her novels(BREATHLESS:An American(white/jewish)girl in PARIS---Nancy K. Miller)


Coco did not have a very happy childhood. Most of it was spent in an orphanage/boarding school and apparently she had little contact with her family. That says a lot. As far as the validity of her relationship with Stravinsky is concerned, who knows? She seemed to focus on him because he represented something familiar to her -her own desire to create something different. She did, and so did he. He inspired her and she inspired him, but because they were both so emotionally protective of themselves they appear cold and without emotion. I think they both his their emotions well. Haven't you ever known anyone who did that?


Great analysis! I agree completely.
