Completely Awful

I just saw a special screening of this "movie" at Northwestern University and I have to say that calling it utter crap would be an understatement. The only possible way I could see the director and the writers conceiving this hyper unrealistic plot is for them to be trying to make the worst movie ever. If this was their plan then bravo, you succeeded!

A moment that characterizes this is in a love scene when the protagonist is with mischa barton. Barton tries to deliver her lines in a serious manner yet the scene generated howling laughter from the entire audience.

The entire theatre I saw it with agreed on how bad it was and we spent hours discussing how surreal the experience was. I actually would reccomend this movie to anyone just so they can witness the bottom of the barrel in terms of film making. I sort of how it was one sick joke.


Poorly written, tedious, messy plot, stiff acting particularly from Barton, cheesy dialogue. WASTE OF TIME.

Willis was the best part of the flick.


The entire theatre I saw it with agreed on how bad it was and we spent hours discussing how surreal the experience was.
I find your story unrealistic and completely unbelievable.

A moment that characterizes this is in a love scene when the protagonist is with mischa barton.



If 75 out of 100 people didn't like this at the screening, that just means that your movie doesn't appeal to the segment of the population that watches "American Idol" or "Dancing With The Stars".

I say, good job not making another "American Pie" that the 75 people who didn't like this movie at the screening would have enjoyed and more easily understood.

Great f#cking movie.


Some people have no sense of humour. Or, at least, haven't seen enough film noir to know what's being parodied.

Brick sounds interesting, and I'll definitely check it out. I see that "Comedy" is missing from its genre description, though, so have trouble believing this film could be ripping it off. Wouldn't it have to be spoofing it, if anything?


Sadly sheltered OP doesn't "get" it, lol. ident-dvd.aspx

^ THIS review, on the other hand, pegs it nicely. Woot!


yes, its geared more toward highschool age kids but,it doesn,t mean adults couldn,t like it.My parents did and its alot better than some of the other crap out there that got wide releases.


Anyone who thinks the same as the OP is either: 1. out of their mind or 2. hasn't seen many movies. I mean c'mon I hope everyone knows that every movie is not striving to be nominated for an Oscar. It was fun, entertaining, and definitely worth watching.....that is what it was made to be.


I really loved this movie, sad people just don’t understand it!


Agreed. An abysmal disaster of the worst kind of petty vulgarity and poor taste. For those who haven't seen it, avoid at all costs if you have any conception of the meaning of quality.


I thought it was a fun, entertaining movie and I enjoyed it for what it was. why does it need to have a realistic plot.... it's a movie not a documentary. I feel like the people who think this is the worst movie ever made are pretty pretentious.
