MovieChat Forums > Mare of Easttown (2021) Discussion > Episode 5..........spoiler

Episode 5..........spoiler

poor Zabel. he dead.



He is.

And that's probably also because he never should have been placed on this case in the FIRST PLACE???

Because of the way (unlike the case is with the LADYHAWK) he was WAY OUT of HIS LEAGUE (so to SPEAK)???

It's also AMUSING how QUICKLY the CHIEF got rid of that other "RATTY" looking fellow who had replaced MARE.

I'm also currently reading a story (actually I'm reading 2 different stories at the same time) where a Porn actress describes the detective who questions her that way (as looking like RAT). So naturally one also imagines that YUCKY looking guy who took Mare's place as also looking like the other "RAT" fellow that the PORN lady says questioned her:

Here I am, Joanna Silvestri, thirty-seven years of age, profession: porn star, on my back in the Clinique Les Trapèzes in Nîmes, watching the afternoons go by, listening to the stories of a Chilean detective. Who is this man looking for? A ghost? I know a lot about ghosts, I told him the second afternoon, the last time he came to see me, and he smiled like an old rat, like an old rat agreeing listlessly, like an improbably polite old rat. Anyway, thank you for the flowers and the magazines, but I can barely remember the person you’re looking for, I told him. Don’t rack your brains, he said, I’ve got plenty of time. When a man says he has plenty of time, he’s already snared (so how much time he has is irrelevant), and you can do whatever you like with him. But of course that isn’t true. Sometimes I get to thinking about the men who’ve lain at my feet, and I shut my eyes and when I open them again the walls of the room are painted other colors

Do you or have you watched HBO's "IN TREATMENT???"

SEASON 4 started LAST WEEK right before MARE comes on.

In that other show They also discussed this writer called BOLANO that I'm reading now.

After you catch up with what's happening with MARE, check out "IN TREATMENT." You also don't need to have seen the other SEASONS (which were made 10 YEARS ago) for it to makes sense.
