MovieChat Forums > Mare of Easttown (2021) Discussion > Just finished Episode 3..spoiler

Just finished Episode 3..spoiler

the heroin setup thing was very amateurish


Do you really think so hownos???

That scene completely took me by SURPRISE to see MARE lower her MORAL standards down to where she also BULLIES Carrie -- the same way as we saw BRIANNA BULLY ERIN -- and saw her father BULLY MARE, etc. etc. etc.

You'll also see plenty of more characters who will BULLY other characters as you keep watching it.


the police department id tag was still on it.


It was still on it when MARE leaves it in Carrie's car???

Didn't the CHIEF also say that he checked the STORAGE LOCKER and discovered how Mare had changed the number of items listed there and figured out what she did that way???

Go back and listen to what he says again.


so she made two amateur moves.


If she left the TAG on it then it also seems like maybe SUBCONCIOUSLY she WANTED to be CAUGHT???

Good catch hownos!!!

That scene is probably there so that they could do another scene later on where COLIN CONFESSES something to MARE about what he did, and then she COMFORTS him by telling him what she did to CARRIE.

So that way he also feels less GUILTY about what he did.
