Was anyone else surprised to see Mare's Boss REINSTATE her back into her JOB again so soon in the PREVIEW CLIP for Ep. 6???

I'm thinking this is done so that if Colin's mother tries to SUE Mare for the death of her son then Mare will be able to claim that she was working as a police officer again (when we also know that wasn't the case).

Otherwise Mare would probably also have no right to be there at that man's home asking him the kind of questions she was asking that leads up to the death of Colin???



‘Mare of Easttown’ Episode 6 Trailer Preview

Mare of Easttown Episode 6 can not come to HBO and HBO Max fast enough. After the shocking events of Mare of Easttown Episode 5, when none other than dear Detective Colin Zabel (Evan Peters) was killed off with a shot to the head, we’re desperate to find out what happens next. Mare (Kate Winslet) might have saved the likes of Katie Bailey (Caitlin Houlahan) and Missy Sayers (Sasha Frolova), but she still has to figure out who killed Erin McMenamin (Cailee Spaeny). The Mare of Easttown Episode 6 trailer seems to preview that Mare is about to get closer to that dark truth.

The Mare of Easttown Episode 6 teaser opens with Chief Carter (John Douglas Thompson) giving Mare her badge back and letting her know that she’s back on the case.

The next scene shows Brianna Delrasso (Mackenzie Lansing) admitting to Mare that when she woke up at 2 AM on the night of Erin’s murder, Dylan Hinchey (Jack Mulhern) wasn’t there. This is a callback to the revelation in last night’s episode that Dylan’s alibi is false and he still could be the culprit who murdered Erin.

Next we see a nervous Dylan being interrogated at the police station. Mare asks, “Is there something you’re trying to hide?” “I think I want a lawyer,” he says, sounding defeated. “Yeah, I would, too,” Mare retorts.

After a cut to a pick up truck driving on a road, we see Lori Ross (Julianne Nicholson)’s husband John Ross (Joe Tippett) asking, “What the hell’s the matter with you?” Glenn Carroll (Patrick McDade) says, “Sit down, I need to tell you something.” Someone shuts a door on Glenn. It’s unclear if this dialogue comes from the same scene or has been edited together to make it seem that way. (I’m leaning on the latter.)

Back at the police station, Chief Carter says, “Did you toss her bike into the river, Deacon?” to Deacon Mark Burton (James McArdle). We then see Erin’s bike pulled from the river.

The music gets more intense as we see Erin’s friend Jess Riley (Ruby Cruz) walking on a street in the dark. “Just leave me alone,” she says. Dylan, hanging out of the window of a car that is stalking her, says, “No, that’s impossible.” He tries to grab Jess and she runs away. Dylan angrily shouts, “Get in the fucking car!” The car chases after Jess, whom we next see running for her life down an alley.

Officer Trammel (Justin Hurtt-Dunkley) says, “Jess Riley asked for Mare,” while the camera cuts to a terrified Jess hiding under a bed. “Says she has information on Erin McMenamin.”

The trailer hypes TWO EPISODES LEFT while cutting to a shocked Mare looking at some kind of t-shirt or sweatshirt, Billy Ross (Robbie Tann) looking nervous, and someone putting a gun into a tackle box.

The final moments of the trailer are Mare walking as Chief Carter says, “Get Mare on the phone. Do it now!”


The trailer hypes TWO EPISODES LEFT while cutting to a shocked Mare looking at some kind of t-shirt or sweatshirt

What could that T SHIRT or SWEATSHIRT mean???

Has it been submitted to the COPS as EVIDENCE that DYLAN or someone else had worn it and it's also covered with Erin's blood stains???

Perhaps BRIANNA who's PISSED at being DUMPED by DYLAN (and having to go to BEAUTY school now because she's a criminal for beating up Erin) also found that SHIRT and turned it over to the COPS for that reason???

Plus we also see that other clip of JESS turning over to the COPS that page of Erin's JOURNAL that she rips out of it before DYLAN burns up the rest of them???

Since that scene could also make her a WITNESS against him in COURT if he is tried for MURDER, maybe he also tries to kill JESS as well for that reason, and that's why he YELLS "GET in the CAR," and we see her being dragged across the floor???

Maybe Dylan also figures out he needs to get rid of JESS after he sees an attorney who asks him if they're were any WITNESSES to what happened regarding the death of Erin??

So maybe we could also end up with still another MURDER AGAIN before the end of the story???

Of course Dylan's mother would also testify to say she knows her son isn't a KILLER, due to that other scene we saw where she watched him walk over to ERIN's INFANT with the PILLOW in his hand (as if he were going to kill it), before he changes his mind and picks it up and comforts it.

But apparently that scene was also to keep us from thinking that he could have killed ERIN???

I'm also betting that his parents won't get CUSTODY of Erin's son because of what gets turned over to the cops regarding DYLAN and his burning up Erin's JOURNALS.



‘Mare Of Easttown’ Boss Breaks Down The‘Bold Move’ Of [Spoiler]’s Shocking Murder


there’s a moment of clarity with Mare,” he continued. “It’s a moment of comeuppance, right? Like, Mare, you can’t do this. You can’t just be so cavalier about everything because look what happened. You weren’t even supposed to be on the case, and you went and pursued these leads without any authority, and look what happened. You saved Katie, but look what happened to Zabel. I think there’s a level of clarity with Mare. The Mare moving ahead is never going to be completely by the book, but there’s a level of awareness in her in the last two episodes where she’s more aware of her actions, how her actions have consequences, and how those consequences can hurt people. I think it’s a moment that she carries ahead with her. It’s like, okay, I can’t do this anymore. I can still be a good detective, but I can’t be so cavalier about things because look what’s happened. It’s almost like when Mare comes back to the case, it’s a new Mare, who has been educated by Zabel, and by these things that have happened to her. It’s going to be an even better version of Mare. She’s going to be aware of consequences, and she’s also going to be stronger in her resolve to get the answers.”

Since the Katie Bailey case is closed, that means Erin’s murder is the only thing left to be solved. Dylan, Jess, and another friend went to Erin’s place to burn her journals. However, before burning the last one, Jess stuck a piece of paper in her pocket. Brad revealed that the last 2 episodes will feature Mare going back to the “usual suspects,” including Dylan. “It’s sort of like, if Mare’s coming back to the case with a new resolve, she’s also going to go back to those usual suspects with the same resolve,” Brad said. “I think what you’ll see is that what people were saying early wasn’t necessarily the truth. I’ll just leave it at that.”



Could Mare's daughter have also LIED to her as well???

After avoiding 15 phone calls & text messages from her mother, she definitely looked like she was hiding and withholding something from Mare when she was finally able to question her about what had happened to Erin the night she died.


I wasn’t surprised, I think the circumstances of Colin’s tragic death meant that they need her back on the case. Also she may be forgiven being that she found Katie Bailey. When she was suspended I was wondering how she was going to get her job back by the end of the series. Would that happen in real life? I’m not sure, but I can accept it for a TV show.


Since her boss told her to get some therapy (and he also said that she'd been telling him that she would for a long time but never did), and she's also been seeing the shrink like he told her to, that may also be a reason why he'd lift the suspension.

Because her boss also thinks the grief over the death of her son is what caused her to set up the mother of her grandchild. Because after not dealing properly with the loss of her son, her boss also thinks that's what made her nutty enough to break the law in an effort to protect her grandson.

And yes solving the missing Katie case would also make him more willing to let her return back to the job again.

But being a witness to the death of COLIN could also result in her having PTSD (in addition to her also being DEPRESSED like her father had been).

And like the case is with you, I'm also not sure if a cop that plants HEROIN on someone in REAL LIFE would ever be allowed to work as a cop again.



The Abductor –

This guy is just…some guy. He has abducted at least three girls and kept them imprisoned, abusing them, and now he’s in custody. Two of the girls we know were on the same escort site as the third girl, Erin, though the way she was killed and dumped does not fit his MO at all.

Erin’s Ex-Boyfriend –

He was the chief suspect from day one with clear motive, ie. he was tired of Erin’s demands and asks for money, but we learned this week that he was missing the night she died (which I think gives his girlfriend an alibi, as of that scene), so he’s still under suspicion. But given that he didn’t know he was the baby’s father until after she died, I don’t think so.

The Weird Quiet Guy Who’s Always Hanging Around –

I don’t actually know who this guy is, but you know who I’m talking about, the guy with the beard and hat who is not the husband cheating on his wife. But it’s the one who said that Erin stayed with him for a few months previously, and Mare is trying to connect the dots that maybe he is the baby’s true father if they had a relationship. I’d say there’s a 90% chance he may indeed be the father, but that wouldn’t necessarily make him the murderer. But he’s a prime suspect at the moment.

I am still trying to figure out why Erin’s friend, boyfriend and his friend wanted to raid her house and destroy what was written in diaries. I’m not sure if that’s directly related to her murder, and not something else they didn’t want to get out, but it seems important all the same.

Last night while watching the scene again where COLIN is killed, I also NOTICED how only ONE GUN SHOT (that's fired by the POTTS guy) managed to both INJURE MARE'S HAND and KILL COLIN.

And that also REMINDS one of how ERIN had both a MISSING FINGER and a HEAD WOUND.

So could that also be a CLUE as to how ERIN died???



Well I guess there's no connection to Potts killing Colin and how Erin died???

And even though MARE is SLAPPED TWICE by COLIN's mother ...

and told how there are CONSEQUENCES to what she does ...

by the end of the episode Mare's right back to IGNORING the WARNING again that her BOSS gives her ...

not to do anything ...

and to WAIT for some BACKUPS before going to look for the KILLER.

So here we go again next week with Mare screwing up again by NOT PAYING ATTENTION to that WARNING her boss gave her???

