MovieChat Forums > The Iron Lady (2012) Discussion > The greatest actress of our time.

The greatest actress of our time.

Have you ever seen an actress like Meryl? I am in awe of her talent.

It's a shame the Academy does not give her an Oscar for every film she's in. To be fair, she sould not be nominated with other actresses, and just have a day where we celebrate her talent. Just as we won't nominate other mothers on mother's day.

Meryl, as our mothers, is incomparable.

A genius amongst morons is just another moron.



I am watching the beginning and when I first heard her speak, I had to remind myself that she was American. I cannot believe the Make up in the film as well. She is a brilliant actress.

If they hadn't have done what I told them not to do, they's still be here now.


Agree, especially in this film, Meryl definitely fulfil with that title of Best Actress.
That´s an actress you see, this movie is the example.

I really wonder all the doubts before the Oscars, and why she didn´t win the Golden Globes!!!
I´m sorry for Viola Davis, that´s another great role for an actress, but, come on!!, The iron lady owns everything!

I will be close but still untouchable


I was amazed with her performance... couldnt stop thinking about how she looked in Devil Wears Prada, Mamma Mia, The Hours, Doubt... so many and DIFFERENT roles. This woman is purely amazing and Im glad I got to be living this time to watch her perform and excel in so many movies.


"Meryl, as our mothers, is incomparable."



Meryl deserved her oscar for the film even her performance the Prime Minister was one of the few good things about it.


I was floored by her performance. Not only of Margaret Thatcher but of an elderly woman in her 80s. The way she moves, the way she speaks is absolutely spot on. It isn't acting, it's channeling, embodying. What she can do is amazing.

Usually by that age actors have morphed into a bunch of tics, think De Niro, Hoffman, Pacino or even Hanks. Whereby you do not see the character anymore, they just do De Niro or Pacino. Meryl Streep still morphs 100% into whatever the character needs her to be. There isn"t one once of Meryl showing.

Absolutely stupendous. I do not know of ANY other actor male or female with that kind of talent.

She is indeed incomparable, one of kind, high high in the stratosphere above the other "legends" of acting.


You make a good point in regard to other older actors like DeNiiro, Pacino, and especially Hoffman. I think they should enjoy retirement.

A genius amongst morons is just another moron.


I was floored by her performance. Not only of Margaret Thatcher but of an elderly woman in her 80s. The way she moves, the way she speaks is absolutely spot on. It isn't acting, it's channeling, embodying. What she can do is amazing.

Usually by that age actors have morphed into a bunch of tics, think De Niro, Hoffman, Pacino or even Hanks. Whereby you do not see the character anymore, they just do De Niro or Pacino. Meryl Streep still morphs 100% into whatever the character needs her to be. There isn"t one once of Meryl showing.

You have taken the words right out of my mouth.

To me she personifies a role, not imitates a role. BTW, did you ever see her play a rabbi in Angels in America? Unbelievably convincing.

When I saw the movie yesterday, I was not even sure it was Meryl Streep playing Thatcher because it did not look like Streep at all. What was also astonishing to me was how shrunken she looked in old age. When Meryl played Julia Child, she was enormous and very tall. Now as an elderly Thatcher, she seemed so small and frail. Don't know how she does it!


What the?! She played the rabbi in Angels in America??! I had to go check that out again and yes can confirm I hadn't made the connection at all (lolol) This woman is so talented it's ridiculous.

Absolutely ridiculous. And as you said yeah she can totally shrink herself down to size or make herself bigger than nature!

She should make one of those movies where one actor plays several vastly different character in the same movie, I bet she could then get nominated several times in the same catergory for an oscar for the same movie!! lol That would be epic! If anyone can do it, she can :)


^Didn't Sir Alec Guinness take on several roles in Kind Hearts and Coronets?


I, too am in awe of Meryl's talent. I would even go so far as to say I consider her not only the greatest actress of our time but of ALL time. There is quite simply no one else like her. She embodies every role she takes on and I never feel as though I am seeing her play the same role twice.

Absolutely brilliant, she is. And a real class act, as well. I love her personality off screen and the way she carries herself as much as I love her tremendous talent.

Politically speaking, I am a die hard liberal and Meryl's performance in The Iron Lady literally kept me glued to the screen. She humanized one of the most controversial political figures of our time and throughout the entire film, I felt as though I was truly watching Margeret Thatcher- good, bad, and in between.

Namu Myoho Renge Kyo


I think Kate Jackson is better.


Kate Jackson? As in "Charlie's Angels?" Please tell me you are joking.....

Namu Myoho Renge Kyo


I know at first thought it may seem ridiculous, and that's probably why I chose her, but, actually, no, I am not joking. but I think Kate Jackson as Sabrina Duncan was the most phenomenal acting I've ever seen just about. She was charismatic, funny (as in laugh out loud funny, not clever funny ala Meryl) and she had so much personality. She endowed her lines with music, I could not wait to hear her speak. She was ALWAYS fresh and spontaneous, even when the lines were ridiculous/bland. Meryl has impressive technique, like with her accents and the way she tilts her head and purses her lips and pauses between words and all that, and she has a lot of range, but frankly I find her to be the opposite of spontaneous and sometimes dull. I don't know why everybody has to share the same opinions or feel the same way in order to escape comments such as "please tell me you are joking"...


No one is saying we must all share the same opinions but let's be real here. When you compare a completely one note actress to someone as versatile as Meryl Streep you have got to know what kind of reply to expect! Meryl is widely regarded as the Queen of Modern American cinema with more Academy Award nominations than any other actress in history. Kate Jackson isn't even in Meryl's league, for goodness sake. Don't tell me you didn't know what kind of reply you'd get when you made the comparison.

Namu Myoho Renge Kyo


Yes, I knew what kind of reaction I was going to get, hence my comment I know at first thought it may seem ridiculous, and that's probably why I chose her...

And I never said that Kate Jackson was a better actress that Meryl Streep, I said that I liked her more. That's all. Meryl obviously has incredible, perhaps unsurpassed range, but I don't get the same rush of excitement at seeing her at work as I do Kate Jackson. This is not about forming an opinion, this is about how I respond. Surely you can appreciate the importance of trusting one's own responses?

No, Kate Jackson is not in Meryl Streep's league. I agree with that. But as for Kate being a "completely one note actress", I don't know... Kate is so appealing to me because of her 3 year stint as Sabrina Duncan (did you ever see her on that show?), and, yes, that is only just the one character. But her Sabrina Duncan has ten times more spark, humor, zest, body and music than all of Meryl Streep's characterizations put together. And all this is on a badly written (except for the 1st season) tv show!!! Streep is more like an opera singer who can hold the high note longer than anybody else.

Said another way, Meryl's performance in "Sophie's Choice" made me primarily go "Oh my God, how did she do that?" (insert almost any scene from the movie here). On the other hand, Kate on "Charlie's Angels" is like getting to know a very intelligent, warm, funny individual who is always on top of things. She stirs something inside that is real and I would want to hang out with Miss Duncan 5 days a week. Meryl is all shining ego, which is great fun for 5 minutes. Frankly, I enjoy Meryl much, MUCH more on interviews, where I think Meryl (a real person) would actually want to be friends with Sabrina (as close to a real person as you can get in make believe land).


Actually, you did write you thought Kate Jackson was a better actress. You may want to reread your initial comment.


Okay, fine. I said it. But I said that I thought KJ was a better actress than MS. Whereas the OP said it like it was a fact, and not just an opinion. I was stating an opinion, i apologize if I was not clear on this, but you can't not pay attention to the wording as I think the word choices are important.


I agree, Meryl Streep is the greatest actress of our time.
From Karen Silkwood in Silkwood, to Baroness Blixen in Out
of Africa, Miss Streep is like a chameleon.
Yes, most definitely worthy of a third Oscar!


In my opinion, Meryl's character study of Margaret Thatcher was superior to Colin Firth's performance in the King's Speech. Had the Iron Lady been released one year prior to TKS--I believe she would have won a Best Actress Oscar.

Movie contains a minimum 30 percent post-consumer content.


LLOwens, she did win her third Best Actress Oscar, with much controversy (unfortunatelly), as it all came down to the Academy being 'racist', for not rewarding Viola Davis the statue instead.
To the original poster, I too believe that Ms. Streep is the greatest actress, period. Of any age or time. Some may say "the most versitile actress, the best technique, accents, etc. To me, this all is a part of it. Simply the best. I get quite weary of all the comparisons to Kate Hepburn, who is considered by many the greatest actress of all time, simply because she has a record of four Oscars. She was superb, yes. And the most naturalistic actress of her time, that started quite the following of her own (think Julia Roberts or another poster's Kate Jackson). But, she couldn't do what Meryl does. No one can. Including Ms. Davis last year who gave the most impactful emotional performance of the year. But not the best. For once, despite controversy, the Oscars chose well.


'Kate Hepburn, who is considered by many the greatest actress of all time, simply because she has a record of four Oscar'
that's not why.

'But, she couldn't do what Meryl does. No one can.'
And Streep cannot do what others can. And? But that doesn't count,right?
Nice for her to get a free pass.


Yes, Meryl Streep, as impressive as she is in many ways, has only made me actually laugh (as in OUT LOUD) maybe once in "She Devil" (when she finds a gummy bear in her hair) and once in "Defending Your Life" (when she is goofing around with Albert Brooks, this is also probably, IMO, one of Streep's 3 or 4 best performances, but no flash, so there you go) and even though she has never appeared in a scary movie per se, I cannot imagine for an instant that she would be capable of anything remotely terror-provoking. She is simply not wh at people might call a "visceral" actress, her performances, though often very stylish, are basically anemic.


The greatest film actress of our time, without doubt. I don't think there is any film that Streep is in where she is nothing less than brilliant on screen. Pure class.


I don't think there is any film that Streep is in where she is nothing less than brilliant on screen. Pure class.
I have seen many films with actresses that were "pure class" before Streep's time, and I don't think I would even need to mention names. Streep is a very talented and skilled actress, she is not however the be-all-end-all of acting class. Her technique and lack of "realness", is becoming more apparent as she has gotten older. She appears more of a caricature or parody of the character she is playing. Lacks a certain spontaneity and freshness to many her roles. The freshness that many applauded her for in the 70's and 80's, was more to do with awe of her skill of "mimicry", which has been mistaken for "raw" and "innate" acting talent.

The films in which I think Ms Meryl is at her most natural are:

The Deer Hunter-78' - Lovely and real genuine feminine performance.
Silkwood-83' - Believable, touching and heartfelt performance. Her phony cigarette smoking does leave something to be desired though.
Heartburn-86' - Bittersweet, funny and even appears egoless in parts, like she is just being her natural self without being aware of the camera presence.

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.




I loved this film and don't understand why it has a low IMDB rating. Meryl Streep's acting was astonishing. Her performance as the aging Thatcher was believable and moving. Yes,she is one of the greatest actors of all time right up there with Maggie Smith and Judi Dench.


I watched it on DVD and in the "extras" the heads of state who worked with Margaret Thatcher and various people in England did not think anyone could do justice to their beloved Margaret Thatcher. So the executives of the movie had a dinner and invited everyone who expressed doubts about the film. Meryl Streep was there dressed up in full costume and wig in full impersonation of Thatcher. When one of the doubters came back after the dinner, his wife asked him how it went and he said, "I just had dinner with Margaret Thatcher."

He lifts me clear to the sky, you know he taught me to fly.
