MovieChat Forums > Chelsea Lately (2007) Discussion > What exactly is her appeal?

What exactly is her appeal?

She is not a good talk show host, her constant fumbling over her lines and seeming unprepared isn't funny, it's called being bad at your job. If Jay Leno or Letterman were as unprepared as her they'd be fired, yet she gets 20 million. She tells horrible horrible jokes and blends in some profanity and insults, THATS funny? Wow. This really is the era of the no talent celebs, from snooki to kim kardashian to chelsea. No matter how much the people on the show fake laugh at everything she says, she's terrible.




Her slit-thin lips make her mouth look like a vagina, and who doesn't like a talking Pu$$y.


Wow, troll much? How about she's hot and hilarious, she's one of the few female mainstream comics, she has a no *beep* attitude. I think her jokes are great, I think she's great and I think it's a crime to compare her to people like Kardashian and Snooki who truly are talentless.



Personally, I think she is hilarious! I think a lot of the comedians featured on the round table can be funnier, but I still think she is hilarious. A lot of the appeal for me is the fact that 1) she says what she wants and doesn't care and 2) she actually is a very nice and intelligent person.

I like the fact that she is so blunt and doesn't care. She says what everybody else is thinking, but won't say. I know people don't like her because she's "mean," but it's really not like that. She doesn't hate on everybody and she doesn't make fun of everybody. She hates and makes fun of the people who do stupid things or stay stupid things, which unfortunately is a lot of Hollywood. A lot of people in Hollywood will say the most ridiculous things or do the most ridiculous things and she comes out and basically says how stupid they are. While sometimes she can be a little harsh, for the most part she is telling the truth.

Beyond her being so blunt, she actually is a very intelligent person and she is very kind. If you see interviews she has done, she definitely shows that. There is a lot more to her than what is shown on her show.

I guess that is her appeal to me. I mean, everybody has their own opinions and of course people are going to hate on her because of the fact that she is so blunt and she doesn't really care. But honestly, that is what I love about her. She says what everybody else is afraid to say and she calls people out on their crap.


You, sir, have speaked with truth.


You seem like you are easily offended. Does Family Guy hurt your feelings by any chance? LOL.


She is truly revolting. Her physical appearance is deteriorating fast and the way she talks makes me think she doesn't really like who she is. The sad thing is that someone actually gave her a show. I guess sleeping your way to the top still happens.

At first I was willing to give her a chance. It's just that there isn't anything that she talks about that interests me. I understand that when people get home they want to relax and not have to think but what she does defines the dumbing down of America. It isn't a good thing when you are grouped in with other shows like The Kardasians, Whitney, Jersey Whores, and etc.

Say what you will about these no -talent-almost-famous people, they have sold themselves out and have made a small fortune doing it. Like most people, it is beneath me to stoop so low. And it seems their shock value is already wearing off.

I don't know a single person who watches any of those shows yet they are supposed to be popular. You can pretty much guarantee that no male watches these shows. So what does that say about women in general?

" The rug really tied the room together, did it not? "



I do. You either like that she does what she wants, or don't. Letterman lost his appeal, Leno hasn't been funny since the 90's, CoCo is still ok (but not as good as his first few years), Fallonis hit or miss. That's the problem with succeeding in Late Night. If you stray too far from stereotype you seem "trashy, unprepared, horrible" or you play it safe and be labeled a dinosaur.


She tries to hard to convince the audience that she is a bigger star and to be funny. Her show is very hit or miss with no middle ground. When she tries to be Bill Maher she fails miserably.

Her and Charlie Sheen would be the ultimate couple. The party life has aged her badly. Until I looked her up I thought she was in her late 40's.

