Do girls like Gigi exsist?

That are perfect in every way? I haven't been able to find her yet :(

Most women dont bring you lasagna at work. They usually just cheat on you.


Do girls like Gigi exsist?

Are you kidding? On Facebook almost every day. 30+ ex-girlfriends lamenting about their single status (with explicit delusions and YouTube clips of childhood rockstars and hunky guys on True Blood or Twilight gay vampires they'd like to bone) combined of course with detailed accounts of what they ate for dinner (alone comfort). Gigi is everywhere.


I think I'm the male version of Gigi.

So he didn't really work for Bayou Beavers? - Hatchet


Yes, and everywhere, though, nobody's actually perfect in every way, but there are females like the character. I disagree with the posters above whom state that she was too attractive for it to be believable, that is a complete fallacy. There are many attractive women whom have the same self-esteem issues as she had and tend to put out too much, fall into like with those guys, one by one, and get nothing in return. It happens, men don't like clingy.


The original poster asked, "do girls like Gigi exist?" I'm certain
that they do in this world though I'm a 38 year old single male
and have never met any woman like her at least not in my city!
I live in southern CA and not into the local bar scene so imho
my chances of meeting somebody like a real life Gigi are strictly
online and not in the real world! Though at least I can wish
for a real life Gigi! LOL!

Lorenzo Sunny California

"Call me a sailor or a swabby just don't call me a squid!"


Yes, I have seen plenty attractive women behave just like Gigi. Unfortunately, in the real world, these women drive away potential mates with their needy, desperate behavior. I liked Gigi. I did not like her behavior.


There are some lovely folks in this wide world we live in, you'd be surprised just how nice some folks out there areSource:Movie Reviews - Hes Just Not That Into You -that-into-you





Gigi was on crack! She wore me out.


Dude, it's obvious, you don't need a girl like Gigi, you'll never ever want to deal with a girl like her. You just have a crush on Ginnifer Goodwin.


I met a ton of Gigi's dating.

The problem with them is that they come off as a little desperate too fast, and it's a big turn off.

It's only when we get older and more mature do we look past that, and see people for who they really are.

I think the problem is that the internet now has really just provided everyone an endless buffett of choices when it comes to dating. If one person shows a HINT of a flaw...people lose interest. It's pretty dumb, but that's how it is.
