MovieChat Forums > Straw Dogs (2011) Discussion > Call me judgmental, but I just don't see...

Call me judgmental, but I just don't see it..

Throughout the entire movie Kate Bosworth's "beauty" and body was lusted for. I just don't get it. I see NOTHING desirable about her. She doesn't have pretty hair; her face is meh. not ugly not that great IMO; she is FAR too skinnny! When you can see the bones in your chest..that's when you know you need a cheeseburger.
I honestly think I'm prettier than her, and I really don't think I'm that great looking. Average at best really.

I know I'm being a little harsh, but just my 2 cents.


Mmm hmm I wondered what exactly it was that they saw when she flashed them. Ha!


That's the "ideal" of feminine beauty these days - being bone thin. Like you, I don't care for that look at all.

When she did the topless thing at the window--although they didn't show everything on TV--I'm quite sure there was nothing there worth looking at.


She's not bony, just flat chested. But she's not bony at all. She's a good size.


Good god, if she's unattractive, I must be a hairy wart on an elephants tuchus.
IF KATE BOSWORTH IS NOT DESIRABLE, what even is life any more?
Beauty standards are ridiculous.



You're right, she wasn't attractive. But I think it was 'the girl from out of town' thing that made her such a target more than anything.

