The best song...

I think it is ''Les yeux au ciel''So lyrical....I love it...But I have the soundtrack.I haven't seen the movie.Is it good?The plot sounds a little weird (!)



I looove J'ai Cru Entendre. Les Yeux au Ciel is my second favorite :)


J'ai Cru entendre je t'aime

But they're all wonderful really..


I love the last song the best ! It has some special melody to it that would never make you feel bored even if you listen to it again and again.


I absolutely loved "La Mémoire Sale" and "As-Tu Déjà Aimé" The former is lyrically really powerful. And "Au Parc" is a beautiful song! Sooo sad. And "Si Tard" is also beautiful lyrically. I think "Je N'Aime Que Toi" is such a funny song! I love that one, too! :)


Ma Memoire Sale is absolutely beautiful. It's the best scene in the film and the lyrics hit you like a ton of bricks because they're SO powerful.


1. Les yeux au ciel
2. As-tu déjà aimé
3. Ma memoire sale

"A night of honesty ends at daybreak"


I don't know about "best" song, but my favorite is "La Bastille." Not only is it haunting and beautiful in a Nick Drake sort of way, the cinematography wonderfully captures the mood of the song and is actually better alongside the film's images than it is when heard on its own.. Everyone who performs on "La Bastille" does an excellent job.
