
[Spoilers, obviously.]

Couldn't help but notice what seem like a number of obvious "Aliens" references:

First of all, Chambers (the first one of the team to be killed) seemed very reminiscent of Vasques the marine, with her iconic red bandana headband. Similar bad-ass persona, too.

Next, Martin, Tanaka's right-hand man, was very reminiscent of Burke. Both tried to smuggle back dangerous creatures for the purpose of turning them into very lucrative weapons for their corporate overlords. And both tried to kill members of the team by locking them in with said dangerous creatures.

And, at the end, when they arrive on the roof of the casino, and the helicopter is nowhere to be found: very reminiscent of the fake-out at the end of Aliens, where Bishop has to leave the platform temporarily because it becomes too unstable, but returns a few moments later.



Mark Kermode (UK film reviewer) commented on this the other night on his film review, he went through each plot point
