MovieChat Forums > Machete (2010) Discussion > Why Do Liberals Hate America?

Why Do Liberals Hate America?

I never understood it...


Do conservatives "love" America?
Last month in Texas, a woman was mugged and as the criminal was running away, she shot him 6 times. Many conservatives would support this woman's actions. But last time I checked, theft was not punishable by death in this country. Protecting yourself is one thing but if conservatives want people who are not law enforcement officials to be in a position where they decide who to shoot and kill, isn't that undermining law and order? How much can you "love" a country if you seek to undermine its laws and endanger those who live in it?

"I like fixin' people gooood!"
- Papa Jupiter


Great discussion here. Valid arguments on both sides of the board. Unfortunately it's all for not because you all decided to argue on the fkng MACHETE board.

Get into politics and voice your opinions in a REAL forum, not the IMDb forums.

On topic: you all suck, politics are ghey, this movie sucked and everyone sucks ;)


I understand perfectly well.


Maybe because the Right blames Obama for jock itch, high cholesterol, and large businesses that says they're pro-American but love to contract out overseas to line their pockets but deny employing Americans because it effects their profit margins.

Last decent Republican was Ike. Because he was smart enough to see what was happening with the Military Industrial Complex. He'd be sick to see what the Right has become. The problem is greed. It's effected both sides.

Bush puts in the Patriot Act, and Obama doesn't get rid of it.

The deck is stacked folks. Big Business is trying to get everyone attacking each other. They cry foul for any legislation that makes products safer, protect the environment, or any legislation that makes a level playing field for companies to innovate and create new jobs.

Start voting for independents don't vote for Republicans or Democrats. Vote for people that won't just buckle under to whomever throws the biggest bucks at them.


Liberals don't hate America? When you see someone in a Che T- shirt which party do you think he supports?
Many nations have gone full liberal and supported leaders who were "men of the people", guys who hated the status quo and favored the workers and rank and file citizens. These leaders name were Uncle Joe Stalin, Adolph "Max" Hitler, Saddam Hussein, and so on.
The republicans you complain about are largely the corrupt ones...almost as many of them as their are corrupt democrats.
Limousine liberals like millionaire Hollywood people are not like the common man. They have tax shelters and offshore accounts just like other rich people. Libs count on their backers being stupid and uneducated, thinking that when they leave their private jet and show up at a lib event in a t-shirt and faded jeans that they relate to the poor more than the guy in the suit who made a million bucks from nothing by coming up with a product to market and working his ass off.
America wasn't founded for everyone to be equal. Americans came from countrys where everyone was equally poor except the ruling class and those they favored. America was founded as a place where you could rise or fall on your own merit -brains and work!


How dare people try to change it for the better.


"Better" is highly subjective, but I don't think most Americans consider being more like China or Cuba an improvement.


Your communism-filled paranoia belongs to the 50s, pal
