Mill Street Bistro

If you are new to Kitchen Nightmares, this is a must see! Ramsay is at his finest in that episode. You can feel the animosity that he felt for the owner, Joe. I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but it's gold!


I've watch it before but since you brought it up I watched it again. I was hoping that there would be a revisit of this place or if anyone from that area knows how it went. I also don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it so if you are going to tell me how it is, please put spoiler alert.



Saw this the other day, entertaining episode. At the end, the owner says something like "We don't have a crystal ball, who knows what the future holds for Mill Street Bistro?". You could see an evil gleam in his eye when he said it. I think he knew he was going to return to his old ways then and there.

The update talked about how three of the employees were gone now. I was hoping they weren't fired in retribution for the things they had said on the show, but I guess he'd be doing them a favor. It kind of bugged me that Ramsey had arranged that bit where they said what they thought of the owner while he was listening, but I guess they knew they were on camera, so he was going to hear it sooner or later.


By the way, that restaurant is out of business now.


The guy was a walking contradiction. He was so out of his league, out of his depth with Ramsey. He was so up himself and he couldn't cook period. Also his talking to the customers that way. Poor people having to listen to that drivel. Was he really blaming Ramsey for his inadequency? He was a total tool. You could see his brain ticking when he was questioned by Gordon and he knew he was caught.

It always astounds me that these owners continue to believe they are doing well when the empty restaurant tells a different story.



Thing I hated most was you could tell he was going to go back to his old ways as soon as Ramsay stepped out the door. One of the few places I was glad to hear closed.
