peters italian restaurant

was it my imagination , or was Gordon sh!t scared of that guy peter ? I know its all an act for the cameras , but its one of the few episodes where Gordon looks scared to say what he really thinks


I know Peter well, I lived in Babylon, and ate at Peters Pasta more times then I could count. Not to mention Peter lives around the block from a close family member. The guy was and remains bat s%#t crazy. Peter's closed a few years back and the restaurant is now part of one of the local pubs The Post Office, that was next door.


That guy was like laughably unbalanced. The only explanation I could come up with was roid rage.....that, plus maybe too much absorption of toxic orange chemicals from his spray tanning.


And when Ramsay revisited the restaurant a year later, he saw Peter had fired head chef Robert, sous chef John, and head waiter Angelo. Apparently, their working relationship came to a boiling point, not along after Ramsay had left.


Can you blame him? Peter looked like he could kill you with one punch.


Gordon has a black belt in karate so I'm sure he wasn't too intimidated.


There was the scene where a bill collector shows up and Peter goes after the guy and goes right through his own father to get to the him. The fact that he is in financal trouble and doesn't seem to have any self control makes me wonder if he is on drugs.
