Mary and Max vs Up

Which is better?



I liked both but this film had the nostalgia that only a person like myself growing up in New York in those years would appreciate. I have to get myself that soundtrack, it brought so many memories back to me. I haven't heard some of those muzak novelty tunes in years!


Mary and Max 9.5/10

Up 8/10


May and Max is the superior movie. UP is not really one of Pixar's best but it's still a very nice movie.




"I...DECLARE...BANKRUPTCY!!!" - Michael Scott


Mary and Max was the movie I thought I was going to see after the first act of Up was over. Instead, the writers of Up couldn't hold out the grim, lifelike characters and see the story to it's finish while still pandering to the common denominator. Instead, they filled the rest of the movie with predictable Hollywood kid's movie trash, including the most ridiculous, face-palmey, slapped on villain in recent memory.

tl;dr - Mary and Max was better.

I am Jack's IMDb post.


While I don't think it's fair that Up should be merely dismissed as a kids film, I think I'll have to say Mary and Max. While Up was really sweet, sad and engaging some elements were a But Mary and Max really changed my outlook on life. It's so flawless in terms of actors, the animation, the effects, music...then again Up was also good in all those departments. Hah

...or something far more sinister?



they are both excellent I gave them both 9/10 but I think Up is a little better.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


Both very different films, both very excellent films, but I would rather watch Mary and Max again over Up, though Up might be a more enjoyable movie per say overall.

"Mama, I'm in with a criminal."


Mary and Max


I think Mary and Max was waaaay better. Up really failed to live up to the expectations I had.


Up - 8/10
Mary and Max - 5/10

So, yeah, clearly UP.
