MovieChat Forums > Hitchcock (2012) Discussion > Scarlett Johansson as Janet Leigh

Scarlett Johansson as Janet Leigh

Didn't care for her in this role, it just didn't seem to fit her at all in my humble opinion. I'm not saying I don't like her, I've seen her in plenty of roles where she's been great, I just don't think this is one of them.


Her resemblence to Leigh is very faint and she's nowhere near as good-looking, but I must say her acting in the shower scene - after Hitch in person stepped in to do the slashing - was actually rawer and more convinving than the original.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan


She was a pretty good choice, as there is a resemblance.
This may not have been one of her better roles though.
Didn't like that dinner scene, when she had to ask Hitchcock how they were going to film the shower scene.
She had to explain to Hitchcock that she was "not exactly boyish from the waist up"
What a ridiculous line, I don't believe the real Janet Leigh ever said that.
