MovieChat Forums > Sanctuary (2008) Discussion > Wow. 'Fugue' is agonizingly bad

Wow. 'Fugue' is agonizingly bad

I'm watching the episode currently and I just have a hard time someone in the production team actually watched this and let it get broadcasted. This is horrible.

The actors' singing voices generally sound fine but the 'songs' are just atrocious. These are not songs, they're just people speaking in a singsong voice over extremely simple instrumental tracks. Henry's rendition of "The Parting Glass" was good but that's a traditional drinking song.


What great TV show has not had a musical episode.

Buffy's Once More With Feeling.
South Park (bigger Longer Uncut)
The Simpsons (too many to count)

The problem is that most of these musical episdoe are based on Les Miserables which is excellent source material, whereas Sanctuary decided to use their own. (bad idea!)

Just pretend the episode didn't happen if it makes you feel better.


Didn't buffy's win some kind of award? The makers of south park have always been into making musicals so it felt more natural. Sanctuary's was just awkward.


I think Buffy's is on the top 100 eps of TV shows -- but i dont get Buffy: the fascination for that is just -- i DONT get it. HUGE X-Files fan etc -- yeah - pre-pube blondes getting chased by x, y, z... whatever. I have tried - nope.

I think the fan boys object to SINGING in general -- they dont listen that there is an actual story playing out - through the words.

Maxwell Smart: Ive always wondered why someone would work in a morgue.
Ans: I like to meet people.


X-Files, Supernatural ---- but i really liked this one. Grow some kids - age abit - drop 500 bucks per tic on stage plays - you'll get it - mostly the price part.

Maxwell Smart: Ive always wondered why someone would work in a morgue.
Ans: I like to meet people.


Ive never watched GLEE - but I love that writing team - American Horror Story is near the top of creepy on TV: it's the SAME people writing that. Glee - vaguely recall some big song from back when --- early MTV -- the TV singer was just wow lame - youtube the original -- it isnt remotely a shock the REAL singer fills stadiums -- or used to - whatever. Cant recall the specific song.

Maxwell Smart: Ive always wondered why someone would work in a morgue.
Ans: I like to meet people.


Yep, it was terrible. and i dont just mean a TV show trying to make a musical terrible, its terrible even comapred to those. And the musical notes were way out of tune as well. How the hell that aired is beyond me.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
