Glorified pornography

This film is shocking, it promotes sluttery and makes it 'justified' to leer at school girls. Totally immoral. The filmmakers ought to look twice at themselves next time a paedo abuses and rapes an innocent school girl.

Armstrong and Bain are the true legends


Yes, because paedos get their ideas from stuff like St Trinians. It's harmless fun, get over it and go see a counsellor.

I'm anespeptic, frasmotic, even compunctuous to have caused you such pericumbobulations...


Seaside postcard humour isn't my kind of thing, but the British have a long tradition in it. Why single this out when the likes of the 'Carry on... ' team and Benny Hill were doing the same sort of stuff way back in the '60's and '70's?

It's made from bits of real panther, so you know it's good...


have you seen the outfits real schoolgirls wear? i attended an all girls school for five years, and there were girls there who'd have skirts that reached as far down their legs as their blazers, girls who wore half their shirt buttons undone, and a face caked in make up just to go to school. the outfits worn in this film arent that shocking, certainly no worse then britney spears in a school girls outfit singing 'hit me baby one more time'. How guilty do you think she feels anytime a 'peado abuses and rapes an innocent school girl'? the only girls in the movie in sexualised outfits are those who are adults and above the age of consent - gemma arterton, head girl, she's unlikely to be a little girl, tamsin egerton, talulah riley. if they'd had the blonde first year twins dolled up, a complaint would be justified.


Every time I rape a schoolgirl, which is a daily activity for me, I am always sure to leave them a note explaining how I was influenced by this film and its excellent promotion of sluttery.

*For those who have the IQ and sense of humour of a retarded Barbie doll, the above statement is sarcasm and not to be taken seriously*

If to the OP this was "glorified pornography" then I'm surprised they're able to use the internet without having a stroke.


"By your logic, V For Vendetta encourages vigilantism, School Of Rock promotes identity fraud and Pokémon condones children of 10 to run off after animals and trapping them in tiny balls, then forcing them to fight... "




One thing I cannot stand is intolerance.


Aw, did the poor widdle OP get turned on by the girls in the film? Did he feel forced to abuse an innocent schoolgirl? Perhaps the OP could do with seeing a therapist if so.


One of the lead girls donated a pair of tights that she wore in the film for a charity auction. They raised nearly three hundred pounds and no they were not bought by a pervert who wanted to sniff or lick them. They were bought by a lover of cinema who had them framed and signed by the actress in question to hang in our local pub,so a film about a school full of girls in naughty attire does not attract very perv or sicko in the land. St.Trinian's was a throwback to the 50's films of the same name, a bit of Ealing nostaglia, This wall display gets many a chuckle in our local and does not inspire grown men to hide in bushes ready to drag innocent schoolgirls inside to have their wicked way. St. Trinians was innocent fun, deal with it and move on.



The whole point is they are supposed to be doing everything that in reality you would NOT want your kids doing, that's what the premise of the whole movie is about.

As you only mention the one thing, are we to believe then you find the idea of 10 year olds manufacturing Vodka, C4 and stealing a valuable painting is okay, but teenagers dressing to look hot is not? Have you even looked out of the window lately to see how teenagers REALLY dress?

Normally I would agree that teenage girls ARE dressing too provocative and it shouldn't be encouraged. But as I said above, that is the point in this movie.


Pokémon condones children of 10 to run off after animals and trapping them in tiny balls, then forcing them to fight...


& to the OP...dont be ridiculous! How can you consider this 'glorified porn'..I'm guessing you dont get out a lot?


"This film is shocking"
Not really. Young people dress and act like that all the time these days, it's not exactly groundbreaking.

"it promotes sluttery"
The only slutty girls in the film are Posh Totty, and the filmmakers are using them to mock the 'sexy school-girl' stereotype, not because they genuinely think like that.

"and makes it 'justified' to leer at school girls. Totally immoral."
Where does it make it justified? When the girls find a man hiding in their room they throw him out of the window. There isn't any perversion in the film, nobody's leering.

"The filmmakers ought to look twice at themselves next time a paedo abuses and rapes an innocent school girl."
Okay, and the makers of The Strangers should kick themselves next time people break into a house and attack its occupants, the makers of the Mario Brothers games are entirely to blame for people running around jumping on each other, the makers of Lord of the Rings are the reason people get stabbed, and Finding Nemo is the reason we get so many runaway teenagers these days.

Come on now, the film is just an extended joke. Don't take it seriously.


I've just read the entire thread. It's an interesting discussion. Sometimes valid points mostly really funny. The one part that really stood out for me was this comment

Yes there is 3 scenes which someone is naked but the are covered appropriately.

Taking into account how old a lot of the actressesin the lead roles actually are you do wonder had this been an American film would this have been the case?

I'm sure we have all seen lots of films like American Pie, Porky's etc that are set in High Schools and have girls of a similar age. Most of them seem to have the obligatory topless scene if not full nudity by at least one person, even if they are just one of the extras in the films.

It's interesting that this thread is about how people may visualise the girls and sexualise them when they don't show anything, yet nobody has really compared this film with the similar type of US films where they do go with the flesh shots when they actresses are around the same age and pretty much playing the same age too.


Pornography? What a hoot. The level of sexuality in this is on a par with Hollyoaks. Definitely pre-watershed.



I suspect the OP is experiencing tremendous feelings of guilt and shame for finding the schoolgirls attractive. If that's the case, er, they were meant to make you feel that way.

Go take a step outside - see what's shaking in the real world.


Have any of you seen the original St Trinian's films? Fishnet stockings, short skirts, etc etc? The whole point is to make the girls look sexy, way older than they "should" be.
