MovieChat Forums > Revolutionary Road (2009) Discussion > This movie is basically Titanic 2

This movie is basically Titanic 2

What if Jack and Rose both survived the sinking of the Titanic and stayed together, got married and had children. This movie is what their relationship would've ended up like in America.


Dumb and ignorant comment. Nothing like it at all


It's a good, well acted movie, but they should've just called it....Titanic 2: Revolutionary Road.


It's an interesting point, but Jack -- as depicted in "Titanic" -- would've never settled for the robotic grind. He was a carefree risk-taker who didn't believe money was the all and end all of life; not to mention Rose would rather die than marry a rich man she didn't love.


Jack, as he got older, would eventually settle for the day to day grind because his responsibilities of being a husband and father would outweigh his previous carefree risk-taking and youthful attitude.


Not necessarily, although it's a possibility. In that regard this movie could be viewed as a theoretical future outcome of "Titanic" if Jack had survived and he married Rose.

Still, the actual character insights concerning Jack & Rose disclosed in "Titanic" suggest that they wouldn't turn out like this.


But as a sequel to Titanic, isn't it interesting to think that Revolutionary Road fits really well as a "what if" scenario? To me, it would've been a rather convincing continuation of the story of Jack and Rose.


You inspired me to view it again after eight years. Yeah, it's interesting to view it as a morose one-of-many-possibilities sequel, although the ages don't fit since the couple are only about 30 years-old in the mid-1950s as opposed to Jack & Rose being around 17-18 in 1912 in "Titanic."

It's a decidedly downbeat future, however, and I'd like to think that Jack & Rose -- as depicted in "Titanic" -- would've had a relatively happy life together if Jack survived. Their attitude would've been something like "We survived one of the greatest disasters in modern history; everything after this is a freebee piece of cake." Also consider the fact that Rose is depicted in her extremely old age in "Titanic" and her character doesn't fit sullen April in "Revolutionary Road," not to mention that April dies prematurely and Rose doesn't.


Somebody made a music video on Youtube that had the same idea. Wrong time period, though.
