I was in Universal Studios when I was approaced and asked to view a new sitcom for $10. I said sure and I had to sit and watch this trash. It wasn't funny at all and whoever picks up this show, please don't!

..at least I got $10 out of it.


oh, man. Poor you. If you think that this is not a great show, you have a horrible sense of humor.


sorry, i dont use to be so rude, but go **** yourself ;)

the it crowd is just an insanely great piece of pure genius artwork!!!
i love it...


IT Crowd is very funny, but it is also tacky. I really love the show, but I could see why some may not. I think like all of the previous works, Big Train, Father Ted they were great. I think to say UK tv is better is retarded...Torchwood, Robin Hood, New Dr Who, Gavin...and so on are some of the worst piles of cr@p I have ever watched. 3rd Rock was also amazing, with fun actors from the start...the last season suck a bit. Daily Show, Colbert, Insomniac, South Park, Futurama, Upright Citizens, Chappel, Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, Sledge Hammer (a bit dated), Reno 911, The State, The Edge, and so on are all solid American shows...

As for American remakes....that is a whole nother side of the coin. People that make shows are creative, people that steal shows from their's or other countries are worthless piles of hollow cr@p, and network ex's that approve those projects are remakes are the the greedy scum that grows off the piles.

So IT American is a show I will pass on.

Oh and Travel Sick was a solid show...props to it.


Torchwood and Doctor Who are cr@p?

Well, it's clear you have no taste whatsoever!

Thanks to the Internet I have been watching these shows and IT Crowd and The Mighty Boosh (OK, *that* one isn't for everyone) from the US and they are all quite wonderful thank you!

There are plenty of people in the US with good taste in TV, but we are generally shouted out by morons who watch American Idol and the like...


I thought the British version was a bit weak at first but I gave it a chance because of Graham Linehan and Chris Morris and I'm glad I did because the British version is one of the funniest shows going at the moment. It reminds me in tone of the amazing Father Ted because Linehan has brought the same ridiculousness to it. Both shows are about people in certain professions but the humour doesn't really relate to the jobs it's off the wall. Most of the scripts would work if you changed the job of the main characters.

I don't think comedy is something that should be remade internationally. The Office kind of works because it's found it's own voice and broken away from the British versions style rather than trying to imitate it. The IT Crowd to me has a very British silliness to it that if you try to Americanise wouldn't really work. Similarly if we tried to make a version of Police Squad, that quickfire one liner silliness doesn't suit a British accent. Rather than remake we should just watch the originals whatever country they're from because if the original is a success you'll never do it justice.


Lol! Police Squad, that was an amazing series. I also liked Sledge Hammer, but Police Squad was stupid, but impossible to beat.

As for Torchwood no s@cking? WTH? It is poorly writen and poorly acted, with bad CGI and horrid plots. It makes Full House look deep.

I have to say leave the shows were they come from, we don't need another Bard Wire or Barbed Wire whatever it was called (the Casablanca remake).


Oops, I thought this was the British version. I haven't seen this version so I can't make any comments but I FREAKIN' LOVE the British version!


I have no doubt that the American taping of this show was terrible.

This is a British show, and as such it is brilliant.

I am an American and been watching the original of this show since 2006. The U.S. needs to stop reformatting these shows for the U.S. They are ruining them. The originals are good as they are. Let them be. Just like Dr Who and Torchwood, no need to change them.

Had they aired the originals on American Television, I am sure it would of been a hit. This show has a Cult following in the U.S. securing it's future and it's demand. I can't wait for Series 4 to come out.


It is a good show, bit of a slow burner, as a previous poster said. but I just happened to see again the S3 opener where they go to the Gay musical called "Gay" and Moss ends up working behind the bar while Roy has to go through with he whole disabled routine. V. funny IMHO


The 'Gay' episode is a bloody funny high point in amongst an overall bloody awful series.


I haven't seen it but I'm loving the british series so far. However, I think I may would like this one since Joel McHale is in it.

Cars - 9/10
Hotel For Dogs - 8/10


I think the UK version of this show is the funniest comedy ever. On both sides of the pond.


Fact is if you thought this was a "TERRIBLE SHOW" then you would have hated the wildly successful original. This adaptation of the pilot is nearly word for word with the original. I would suggest that as with all criticism people judge for themselves. I found the U.S. pilot on dailymotion.com


The script is the same but it's completely different. It's a shell.


I watched them both: the US version was terrible, the UK version was great.

The script was pretty much the same - but the timing and delivery were significantly different. It takes more than just a script to make a show funny.
Someday "we" (the TV and film industry here in the US) need to learn to leave things well enough alone. It didn't work for Red Dwarf, Cracker, or Death at a Funeral either.
