MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > A future GoT spinoff has been confirmed!...

A future GoT spinoff has been confirmed!!

What do you want it to be about? Prequel, sequel, midquel?


I want to see Ashai, and perhaps Melissandre 's story, or maybe an alternative universe where Sansa misses Jon at the Wall and then he goes south, getting warm and stuff .


wart penis



Maybe a sequel about Azor Ahai Jorah leading the night's watch


That's the most fanfiction-like thing I read this week.


I think the problem with a sequel is the way the first story has been written. The invasion of the Whitewalkers has been built up to the biggest threat to man in 10,000 years, the time since they last appeared. It's going to be pretty difficult for them to top that without drastically moving the setting forward a long way. If Westeros stops being medieval will it still have the same appeal?

The one prequel I think could maybe work ok is a series in ancient Valayria, sort of a bit like Rome with Dragons.


It could be a diffrent kind of series, perhaps a series about explorers, or solely about the politics post WW.


Explorers could work I guess. I think the politics thing would be anti-climatic.


An explorer with a company of sell swords and some hedge knights who get stuck in Sothoryos and start to learn about it's history and why no one lives there anymore would be awesome. Or they could even have a spin off with Gerion Lannister and about how he was lost on his expedition to Essos. It's not been hinted at or anything but I always wondered if maybe somehow Euron was responsible for it.


That could be a miniseries. But would be a terrible show. The thing about GOT is the scope. That would be far too narrow.

And Essos is consistently the worst part of the show. Why would Southyros be different?

No wonder Jesus quit carpentry. It's so much harder than talking on a donkey.


I agree. I didn't mean for it to go on for years. Honestly the best way to do spin offs would be several miniseries or story arcs that only last a couple of seasons tops. The only one I could really see going on exstensively would be a history of the Targaryn rule. Or maybe a series about old Valria leading up to it's collapse. Possibly the original long night but I think is left better as a mystery. I think a mini series about the Dance of Dragons would be pretty amazing. Dunk and Egg movies would be cool too.


Something with a new story arc and characters, so not right before or right after events of the current show.



Ugh too much white hair.



I'm a black hair supermaci$t of course


Really ?! Roberts Rebellion! !!!!! :)

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We already know everything that happens. But we'll probably get flashbacks next season.


I think it would be the most logical. Even though we know what happened seeing it would still get plenty of attention. Some of the cast is already in place and if it does well you could do a follow up season or movie about the Greyjoy rebellion. It would give us the last little bit of story for a lot of beloved characters and we would get to see many of their rises to prominence. I would handle it more like a war story with slight hints of the political elements and sense you don't have hardly any fantastical elements they could focus all of the budget on battles. I think having the prequel start off with the last Battle of the war of Ninepenny kings and following around Jamie as a squire in his first battle would be an epic way to start it off. The series already has the perfect end with Ned at the Tower of Joy and his and Dayne's little back and forth. "Now it begins. No, now it ends." Cut to black.


Why would anyone want to watch character we knew and loved in the show be played by totally different people? With a plot where we know 99% of the outcome already?

No wonder Jesus quit carpentry. It's so much harder than talking on a donkey.


Same reason we watch the show. I read the books before the show and I still loved it even knowing what was going to happen. In fact those seasons were better than the ones revealing to me things I didn't know about. It didn't ruin it for me it actually enhanced it for me because it was great seeing it played out in front of me. I have a very visual imagination but I love seeing others interpretations of the story.


1) You still didn't know how the story would end.

2) You didn't have to watch people like Sean Bean and Stephen Dillane be replaced as characters we love.

3) The plot is so much more narrow than the ASOIAF plot. It's just about the war, which who cares? With only nods to pending threats.

No wonder Jesus quit carpentry. It's so much harder than talking on a donkey.


There's still mysteries and reveals to be shown.

I agree about the loss of epic actors but sometimes it's fun seeing different takes on the characters. I seem to be in the minority but I enjoyed the Young Ned from last season. The final season of Boardwalk Empire was a let down but seeing young Nucky and Gillian was the best part of it by far.

Band of Brothers, the Pacific. Weather you liked them or not both did really well so the audience is out there for sure. Some of the people who are fans of the current series watch it because of those big set pieces. I for one would enjoy the different change of pace and seeing the brutality of war in Westeros on a much larger scale.


You'd really want a show where Stannis isn't played by Stephen?

No wonder Jesus quit carpentry. It's so much harder than talking on a donkey.


I mean that would be disappointing but I also love Stannis and seeing him be a bad ass mother effer for a couple more years would be awesome. Especially if they did the Greyjoy rebellion. Seeing Stannis in the height of his basserdom would rule. Sence the show cut Victarion you could have Stannis and him have an epic throw down with Stannis killing him. Victarion could be intentionally left behind in a losing battle by Euron and that could be Eurons reason for exile by Balon. So yeah however it would be done I would want to see it. Even without the greatness of Dillane.


The Long Night or gtfo.


I doubt they'll do something with the WW again.
