MovieChat Forums > Good Dick (2008) Discussion > This movie is horrible on many levels *s...

This movie is horrible on many levels *spoilers*

I saw this movie and thought it might be worth checking out, sounds different than the normal movie.

Well I must say I almost could not finish watching it because it is so horrible and wrong on so many levels, but let me give you the reasons.

1) The guy embarrasses this lady he doesn't know talking about her Porn choices in front of everyone.
2) The guy stalks this women
3) The guy becomes a "peeping tom" and watches her through the window while she is masturbating
4) He lies to her again and again about why he is always around
5) He lies to her to get inside her house
6) She treats him like utter crap and he keeps coming back for more
7) He makes a bet about his penis size and that means he gets to sleep in her bed, a guy she hardly knows
8) The guy hounds this women for sex, and says they are BF/GF when it's obviously not a real relationship, and it's completely one sided. And even that side doesn't seem to be truly about love at all.

There is more that I could comment on but those are what totally made this movie to ridiculous to watch and enjoy. If this movie had reversed sex's of the main characters and the women was the one being treated like crap I doubt many people would find it as appealing as they do in it's current state. Yeah lets watch a girl stalk a guy, and then get treated like crap and keep coming back for more.

Basically this movie says it's ok to stalk someone, lie to them to get in there house and then pressure them for sex, and if they treat you like crap keep coming back for more. Yeah real nice movie! (sarcasm in case you couldn't tell).

Completely horrible movie that I wished I had never seen in my life. I registered just to make this comment and also to give this the lowest rating possible to keep other people from thinking of ever renting or watching this movie and to stop them from going through the pain I went through watching it.


Some ppl would act like that, would do his mistakes and would do hers too
it made sense, not something everybody would do but still some might
there r movies with lead characters robbing a bank and succeeding so it that wrong to be displayed in a movie?
u know what is right and what is wrong, u don't a movie to say it is ok or not and everybody can do whatever they want
I actually liked her very much, I wouldn't have stalked her but would've been really desperate to talk to her
and I knew couple of girls who were acting like her as they were abused so it made sense to me.

"It is never about what happened, it is only how you look at it!"




I can speak as a woman and say that this boy in the movie can not be considered as a stalker.

We live in a very individualistic part of the world, where people can die alone from alcoholism, drugs, suicide, as long as each one can be not bothered by another.

What kind of world is this? Where it is almost a crime to talk to someone you don't know. Or to indeed persue, but with respect, someone that you care about.

The boy in this movie has never been violent to the girl. Instead he indeed accepted a lot of violence, because he felt it was just pain acting out. And because that is what we do when we love.

I would say it is creepy the world we live in where what we find normal is to walk by homeless people and ackward girls and all without saying anything without doing anything, appearing unaffected because it is safe.

Love takes risks.


I like indie movies. I like movies about extremely dysfunctional characters/relationships and have no problem empathizing with them when they're written well. I had to turn this movie off.

It honestly freaks me out reading these posts that people don't consider the guy in this a stalker. He follows her home, hangs around the front of her place, peeps in on her while she's masturbating, lies to get her to let him in - and that all happened before I turned it off. Totally not stalker behavior though because he's in love with her (as opposed to all the other stalkers out there).


I agree he was a sneaky weirdo at first...spying on her and stealing her gate code PIN was totally wrong
He was a jerk
But in the end they seemed like they might make it work
Cute/weird movie overall...
