silly ending.

the ending was stupid.


I was surprised by how strong the film was until the lame ending which blew the whole thing.


Yeah, it was contrived. You can tell the writer said "well, how am I going to end this thing? Just have her kill the bad guy and roll the credits?" So she (the writer) awkwardly bolted the hospital/vigilante ending onto it, and it shows
You know how people hate you for being smart? Well, being smart and "cute" is even worse.


I was surprised by how much I liked this—until the ending. The protagonist was resourceful and strong. She was frustrated at every turn—her lying, cock-sucking, exploitative “agent,” her job, her hopes for the future. She had real guts to persevere. I admired her, and the script. To have that son of a bitch psychopath who raped her, stripped her, and hunted her KILL CHILDREN AND THEIR FATHER just to get to her . . . ?! Damn! That was bold. That father and his boys were really good people. Great plot choice. I was, to my surprise, with it the whole way—till the ending. She could have become a police officer who’s an expert on predators and restrictive police regulations. B-movies do not HAVE to take the facile road.
