Strange ending?

Very disappointed with the very end, thats all. Seemed kind of black comedy-ish and out of place.


I predicted that ending! Actually kinda liked it, just highly unrealistic that she would have got out of hospital like that and then had no scars, enough money to buy clothes and a gun etc etc...


The ending was ludicrous and out of place for what was an otherwise well-made thriller. Too bad, really. I would have to deduct a half star just on the last 5 minutes alone.


The ending sucked. I only watched this because it is one of several movies and TV shows that state they are based on the real life case of Robert Hansen.

It does say "loosely based" and that should be taken very literally as I could see only a very, very loose thread to the true story.

To take a tiny bit of the truth of what happened to Robert Hansen's victims and twist it into this absurd adaptation is ludicrous and an injustice to his victims he raped and murdered. I believe the Robert Hansen case should not even be referenced or linked to this movie at all because to do so almost makes light of the lives of the real life women who died at his hands and the one survivor who was brave enough to tell her story which eventually is how he was caught and convicted.


I thought it was alright until the tone of music changed. That got me out of the mood


The entire movie was bad. Acting and plot both left a lot to be desired. It's no mystery as to how it ended up with an equally-terrible cliche of an ending where we're supposed to pity her for seducing and then killing strangers due to the actions of one individual. There's still a double standard in Hollywood, wherein a man can be hunted or tortured by a woman and be fine (The Loved Ones, Knock Knock), but a man who does it into a woman turns her into a vicious killer but it's not her fault and we must feel sympathy. But it was written by a woman, and apparently she chose to end it this way for a reason.
