Strange ending?

Very disappointed with the very end, thats all. Seemed kind of black comedy-ish and out of place.


I kinda think that the ending made sense. She was in a very traumatic experience, and now she wants revenge against all men who use women. I suspect she reseaches her targets (only 5 in 10 months) and is very deliberate in the men she kills.



Yeah that was sort of cheesy and "Tommy Jarvis-ish"- and it ended up ruining HER life- made HER a killer. It was a shame thats all.



I dont think she would have actually BEEN charged, considering all the other evidence and if she was able to give them an exact account of what happened.


"Well she was already accused of murder (because the cops said they had found the bodies of the father and his two kids in the woods), so she was screwed and she knew it, and she probably didn't wanna go to jail."

She was only accused of murdering the father and his two kids before the police had visited the killer's locked shed which had evidence tying him to 6 murders. The news broadcast on her hospital room's TV stated that Mandel was the killer. She was home free legally and in my opinion would have ultimately been regarded as a hero if she hadn't left the hospital.

I consider it impossible to chew through ordinary leather restraints with human teeth. They were designed with that possibility in mind.

Diana becoming a highly competent vigilante killer is very unlikely but is consistent with an ending worthy of Friday The 13th. Prior to this movie's last few minutes, it had been a very realistic film. Perhaps, the producers were paving the way for a sequel but it left me empty.


I agree with the original poster. The movie was pretty good, but the ending was a bit out of place.

I thought it was clear that once the cops discovered the contents of the hunter's shed, that she was no longer considered a suspect, but just another victim. IF she was a suspect in any murders, there certainly would have been a policeman guarding the door of her hospital room.


Holy *beep* I thought the ending gave me a feeling that this movie was a very, very exeggerated, ludicrous bio on Aileen Wuornos's life!!!

I mean think about it....


I don't think it should have ended like that unless maybe if the guys in the tent attacked her also.
the director started directing in the '80s when lots of movies ended like this.



It was a tacked-on ending to please the Feminists. After all the movie was written by a woman.


What happened to the two guys who rescued her in the end, well kind of rescued her. They saw she was being victimized by that nut case. And some maniac was shooting out their tires. I think that was a big gap. Why they would even charge her for the murders was ludicrous. The whole movie was flawed because the sheriff had to be a complete idiot not to even look at the dates they guy went hunting and the dates the girls went missing. Nor would he even listen to his own deputy about the positive id of the man car. If the sheriff was competent from the very beginning there would not have been any movie. lol.


She wasn't charged with the murder, and the two guys were probably still stranded in the middle of the desert (she drove outta there). The fact that one of them "had warrants" and the van was definitely uninsured if not legal means they might never have reported the events and just hitched a ride with someone else.

In any event, all they saw was that they ran her over and then she ran over a gun-wielding maniac. It's entirely possible that, early on, the police might suspect Colin was avenging the deaths of the two boys.


The end of this movie is similar to that of Teeth, with the abused gal becoming a vigilante.


Agree with OP. The ending was kind of stupid.


@Verona, the TS, is right. I too, find the ending to be a bit poor, it is as if the director did not quite know how to end this film. Yeah, a victim who turned to hero by becoming a killer herself? Man, that has got to be the first!

Adopt 3R : Reuse, Reduce, Recycle.


Agreed. Terrible ending that turns her into a bad guy for no reason.


I was hoping that the ending was more like she gets better, they find out what really happens, something like that.



The movie stunk, and the ending was even worse. If that's possible.

"Love isn't what you say or how you feel, it's what you DO". (The Last Kiss)
