Absolute rubbish

I have just seen a preview of this film and like the rest of the audience was deeply disappointed.

The Teeluride reviewer sounds like a typical American that will find this film a 'true-to-life' portrayal of the Bangladeshi community!! Ha - what a joke - it is full of racial stereotypes and lazy assumptions about Asian people and the 'immigrant' experience. Written, Directed and Produced by three women who have absolutely no empathy with their characters this is a neo colonialist propaganda piece disguised as a film.


I am just so interested in the opinions of people who haven't seen the movie. What a collection of fools. "I saw the preview, and..." Sheesh


I saw this movie last night in NYC (w/ v diverse crowd). I invited several Bangladeshis (1st gen & 2nd gen Americans) in their 20s-40s. They all seemed to like it for different reasons: 2 girls LOVED Christopher Simpson (looks), another was in tears b/c it resonated w/ her, and the others thought it was a simple, realistic story. A few of us thought there should have been MORE character development, and we liked the hubby & older daughter character. I thought the editing was very good, BUT the filmmakers left out a few things that were interesting in the bk! The drus use (in the '80s) was pretty rampant in MANY urban communities where there was racism, joblessness, etc. Many I know have grown up in or visited London, and said this was not an UNUSUAL story.


I was invited to a turkish anniversary last nite and when I got home it wasurt Russell on in * Dark blue * , after which I switched to a report on Berlin as Rock City, pretty unsatisfying, and ended up late at nite with this beautiful movie and although I was pretty tired I had to stay up until the end credits; me thinks it is a rather tender description of an evolution, perfectly underlined by the musical score. I did enjoy it to the point that I might get the book and a copy on dvd.


Imagine How many films we could, 'SEE' if we only watched the previews. And being a newer American I dare you to find one of us who is typical LOL. We are a country of Immigrants. I had this arrogant view prior to moving here from Europe in 92'. I find that most of the stereotypes I grew up with living in London are untrue just the same. I would say give the film a chance. I grew up in Golders Green and my neighbors were varied in race and culture. A movie or book is a view, a chance to see an idea or experience from the persons point of view.

"The cure for anything is saltwater: sweat,tears or the sea."
