Why Change the Story???

Why change the story of the award-winning trilogy? It baffles me how TV and Film production works.
--Why entangle Lex Luthor in this? Wasn't it more disturbing for the monster to just come up, out of the blue, for no reason other than bad luck? Must there always be a block-headed moral lesson?
--Why exclude the JLA? Didn't it make Doomsday all the more lethal, watching him tear through them like tissue paper? Was there a licencing issue?
--What's all this immoral horseplay with Lane? That sure isn't how ma and pa raised Clark.
--Why only feature Doomsday in the first 20 minutes then forget all about him...isn't he the co-star, here?
--Why replace the "four Supermen" with that one boring clone? Haven't we seen enough evil clone plots, already???

They never learn, do they?


The story was disappointing.

Partly because it was changed, partly because they ran through the whole "Doomsday-rampage-kills-Superman" in just over 20 minutes and over-compressed the whole story arc.

C'mon - Superman getting killed is HUGE! Not a 25-minute subplot.

If you impeach Bush, don't forget Cheney!



Yeah, well, the only thing worse than a "mindless", random death is one that is rushed and doesn't even build you to the history-shattering moment.

I mean, why not just have Supes get killed out of the blue by a kryptonite meteor? Just flying along and suddely *WHAM*, he's roadkill on the street like a squirrel under a tire.

If you impeach Bush, don't forget Cheney!


I'm in agreement with everyone that said they should have split the story.

I would also liked it if they only covered the "Death of Superman" story arc and ended the movie with Superman dying after his fight with Doomsday.

I think compacting all the story arcs into one movie was big mistake.

And the title is misleading. Why call the movie Superman/Doomsday? Doomsday is only in the movie for 25 minutes.


Couldn't agree more. The death of superman in the comics was, in a word, INTENSE. Doomsday from start to finish was so unstoppable, and only gets to Metropolis at the end. On the way there are constant failed attempts to stop him, valiant last stands, and so much heroics. All building up to a final confrontation that kills both of them in one bloody mess of a battle.

Within the first 15 minutes of the movie, we already have Doomsday and Superman battling it out in Metropolis. When he died, it wasn't climactic at all, there was no emotional response. I was staring at the screen saying... "WTF WAS THAT? THAT'S IT??"

Meanwhile, I was in tears reading the comic.

Not so the movie, which was enjoyable, but on a much more superficial level (pardon the pun).



I don’t think it was ever supposed to be entirely accurate to the source material. Plus, they had to condense the story into an hour and a half movie.

But, the two-part Death and Return of Superman animated movie fixes most of these “problems”. So at least we do have a more faithful adaption now. I still like this one though too.
