Mad-Eye Moody

Does anyone else think that Moody deserved a better death? He was brilliant in the Goblet of Fire, hands down one of the most interesting characters in the series and one of the reasons that is my favourite of the films. Him being massively underwritten in the Order of the Phoenix was bad enough, but in my opinion the way they re-established him and then killed him off within the first 15 mins of this film was an appalling way to write out his character. Like Bill just told the others he was dead and then he was barely mentioned again. I would have much preferred it if he had lived until the last film and then died in the battle of Hogwarts instead. There's a similar argument for Remus but in my opinion Moody's exit from the Harry Potter series was worse. Does anyone else feel the same?


I was okay with it, because if Moody had gotten to pick his exit, I assume he'd want to go out fighting.

“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!


It is too bad alastor moody death wasnt shown onscreen and didnt get a heroes death in the battle of hogwarts.


Moody deserved a better death


God, he was one ugly dude. He's someone you'd see on a pirate ship.
