MovieChat Forums > Crossing Over (2009) Discussion > More Evidence Hollywood Has No Clue!

More Evidence Hollywood Has No Clue!

I should have know when I saw this movie that I had NEVER heard of with well-known actors in it that it would be another sorry political statement film. I knew I shouldn't have watched it, but sometimes I can't help not being able to look away from a car wreck. Celebrities, especially movie actors, for the most part have NO IDEA about the real world. They think this country can maintain itself with no rule or law that creates "victims". Guess what? A perpetrator is NOT a victim, no matter how you dress him/her up to look like one. These bleeding heart liberal actors have absolutely no sense of any self-worth, so they make movies like this to give themselves a false sense of purpose by trying to shed light on things they mistakenly believe are WRONG with America. Here's a thought...if America does so many things wrong and creates so many innocent "victims" with its policies, then try China for a while, or Korea, or Brazil, or Poland, or ANY OTHER country on this planet. See if you can do even a FRACTION of what you have been able to do here in one of those places. Do you wonder why NO OTHER COUNTRY on this planet has an immigration problem? BECAUSE NOBODY WANTS TO GO THERE!!

Perfect example of this cluelessness: the Muslim girl claims to "understand" why the 9/11 hijackers did what they did and seeks understanding for their cause, but she is absolutely devastated to have to leave this country (that doesn't understand) and return to the "home land" that clearly understands. What is wrong with this picture? She should be ready and willing and even excited to leave such a uncaring and awful place such as America, right? A place whose citizens can't even understand why religious fanatics declare war (secretly in their own minds) on innocent civilians (not soliders) and kill them with impunity. They then make our soliders out as monsters when a few of their civilians are accidentally killed, usually because they were being used as shields.

When will Hollywood ever understand that we just don't care what they think about anything other than what their next movie is going to be? Wake up Hollywood! Especially you, Harrison Ford, you're smart enough and old enough to know better.



I have to admit that I do indeed care, and I'm kinda excited, about the next movie coming, but I could careless what you think. Lol... I think most people on here could care less about what you think. IMDB is a website centered around movies &, in most cases, Hollywood. Where's your website? Let's discuss you...


"She's my sister... [slap]
She's my daughter... [slap]
My sister, my daughter [slap]


I've never seen a more clueless comment in ages. What a douche.

You sound like one of those phony "patriots" who drive around with an American flag but are too terrified to actually enlist and prove it.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


Hollywood does have a tendency for obtaining polarising viewpoints in the hope of increased viewers, sometimes it works and causes interesting discussions as in this caseSource:Movie Reviews - Crossing Over r


This poster is absurdly ignorant, and the interesting thing is that he appears to realize his own douchery which is why he chose to create a new account specifically to post his xenophobic and ignorance filled rant, including replying to one poster, then disappear never to log in and show his sorry face here again.

Although his mindset does appear typical of a certain subset of dumb anti-immigration hating, Faux News loving, redneck America that movies like this are impervious of imparting knowledge upon.

In the globalized world of today his provincialism is still stunning even if far too common. In spite of getting all his facts wrong, this mindset is impervious to the message that the problem with America is people like him.

Some fellows get credit for being conservative when they are only stupid.
- Kin Hubbard


Wow! - eYeDEF

You're searching for his postings on IMDB is okay and I do it sometimes just to get an idea of the person doing the posting. Usually it is on those threads "worse movie ever" to see if it is just a troll denigrating every film just to stir up trouble and satisfying their ego by seeing themselves on the Net.

But, the OP makes some good points but doesn't express them well. I'm a FOXNews watcher, a right wing conservative, middle right on social issues, and accept people based on their actions not skin color or country of origin. We're not all uneducated trailer park rednecks as you seem to imply. The Tea Party folks are average citizens with a mixture of people of color and educational level. Far from being ignorant a large percentage are college graduates and many retired business types.

That said, the whole point that the OP didn't note is that illegal aliens entered the U.S. ILLEGALLY. They have broken the laws of our country and should be penalized and deported for breaking the law. It doesn't matter if they are from Mexico, Canada, or South Africa. There are procedures to go about to enter legally even for farm workers which come under a special law.

Every country has immigration laws and procedures to enter legally some easier than others. Interesting though is that Mexico’s immigration laws are very strict and even a legal immigrant can’t own property from what I hear (I could be wrong). So most of the anti-immigrant folks are about illegal aliens not folks with proper immigration papers who followed the law. In fact many resident immigrants are supporters of stronger laws and the deportation of illegal immigrants because they take their jobs, lower the salary level, and didn’t go through all the costs and paperwork required to get permanent residency (the path to citizenship).

My favorite: "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"


Although two years later I thought it appropriate to reply to your well considered response, simply because this issue will be in the spotlight since it's coming up for legislation in the coming months.

You make some fair points. But I'll just point out that foreign aliens entering illegally only do so because the business community eager for cheap labor welcomes them with open arms. Why aren't the businesses so willing to employ them also held to similar account as the illegals that come here to seek better lives for themselves? If these businesses were appropriately penalized that would solve the illegal problem instantly by removing their entire motivation for coming here.
So why is the focus of conservatives on building a silly fence when the problem could be much more easily fixed if cut off at the source?


Thanks for the reply, EYeDEF, even though kind of late. :)

There are penalties on the books for hiring illegals, unfortunately the laws are not always enforced. In the area of NW Florida I live in the Sheriff conducts raids and does pursue legal action against employers. But admittedly, the laws are not enforced like they should be just like the federal gun laws where convicted felons are arrested for some state crime, found in possession of a firearm, and either not charged locally or not remanded to the federal system. Most of the time on both illegal hiring and the gun laws the local federal prosecutor will not pursue the matter. Their excuse is they don't have the manpower. A poor excuse but that's reality. I do agree that the willful hiring of illegal aliens should be even stricter than it is now including jail time for the CEO's.

Other reasons are domestic help like maids and lawn workers which are a large majority of the Latin illegals and those folks that hire them are some of the worst complainers IMO of the "immigration problem". They also hire each other and sneak their friends in on contract type jobs like lawn care or other minimum wage type jobs. Recently, illegals were found working a contract job at the local AFB even though the contractor was supposed to enter the names of all workers for a background check. Since many use valid SS numbers belonging to someone else some get through. On one small job here there were 3 workers with the same name using the same SS #.

So it isn't that conservatives focus "only" on the fence, we want all laws to be enforced to the max. Why pass laws like illegal firearm possession and the like if they aren't going to enforce them? This isn't just a liberal issue, many Republican Presidents did not make an issue of this to the Justice Department because they pander to the Latin organizations for their vote.

My DVD Collection:


Right. Well no doubt there is a blind eye turned when it comes to enforcement against legitimate businesses, my guess being that there really is no stomach to enforce laws that make it more difficult to do business by those perceived to be the drivers of economic growth. It's easy to go after illegals because they have no power and no recourse. It's more difficult to start pissing off legitimate enterprise when they have far more clout.

What I don't understand is why republicans see illegal immigration as such a scourge when it's obviously such a large driver of economic growth in some areas of industry. It primarily feeds the unskilled labor pool, which most Americans aren't interested in in the first place because the wages are too low and the work can be backbreakingly difficult.

Illegal immigration doesn't affect competition for skilled labor and it does provide real world economic benefits for our society overall. Not just high earners with access to cheaper labor but also low income earners with access to cheaper prices and greater availability to commodities like food, medical care, and housing that less skilled and unskilled labor produces. Should illegal immigration be cut off at the knees, the real world consequence is that cost of living for everyone would go up. This shouldn't be controversial as it's simple economics, but it's not something I ever hear republicans considering.


No other country has immigration problems .........
Are you REAL or just stupid !
Just use a search engine and learn the whole western world has
the same immigration problems, much to blame on the media brainwashing.
Dark=good, light=evil the mantra of Hollywood........


This film is on British TV this week, so I'm going to watch it. I agree with you about Hollywood in general: nowadays, it's clueless.

Since I have yet to watch the film I cannot argue with your critique, however I have to strongly disagree with you about the USA's appeal to immigrants. Obviously - due to a very long border with Mexico - you are going to have trouble with people trying to flee a 3rd world country. But "no other country on this planet has an immigration problem"? Maybe you (like 90% of Americans) have never been abroad, but you want to give Western Europe a check. And if you think that Mexicans cause grief you want to see what Islamic fundamentalists from Pakistan can get up to, as well as Somali's, etc.

Think yourself lucky that you have always had a few thousand miles of sea on either side to protect you. You don't know how lucky you are, and having been to the USA many times I can tell you that I would never choose your country over mine.


paul-743-899114 said-->> ...having been to the USA many times I can tell you that I would never choose your country over mine. <<

No offense mate but you do know that there is a loooonnnnng waiting list for resident visas in your country to come to the U.S.? That's true of most all European countries and even the rest of the Empire countries not in Europe.

That's what aggravates many of us here in the Colony in that they severely restrict the numbers of native English speakers who want to come here but let the lower economic and un-educated classes walk unrestricted across the border. For example for a while after the change in government in South Africa they wouldn't let any white English speakers come here but let the rest of the Africans come in mass because of so-called political causes. Still, resident visas for South Africans, New Zealanders, and Australians are restricted. But on the other side of the world they let almost anyone from the Far East (that can escape) come here.

As for me I'd move to Australia if it wasn't such a long plane trip away but I don't think they are too keen on retired American immigrants. You know, medical costs and all... Something about spiders as big as dinner plates are kind of a turn off though. :)

My DVD Collection:



They have idiotic immigration policies in the US alright. But I wouldn't necessarily make it about race or nationality. The problem is they let in all kinds of uneducated people while making educated people of all races jump through all kinds of hoops. It's kind of part of the American Dream to let in the poorest and most economically desperate, but I think we take it too far sometimes.

There is plenty of liberal sanctimony in this movie, which is annoying, but equally annoying is the conservative love-it-or-leave-it sanctimony it draws out. America isn't perfect in every way and you're not an ingrate because you criticize this or that. People do want to come here, but once here they do they often suffer mistreatment and might be somewhat ambivalent about America. Moreover, this movie had so many characters, why assume that it fully identifies with the one angry Muslim girl that winds up deported? If a Hollywood movie potrays an Anglo racist, it doesn't necessarily make the movie itself racist. You don't like that character, leave it at that. There are about twenty more here.

I didn't find this movie didactic (having a single point of view) so much as humanist (looking at the different points of view). I didn't really like the Muslim girl either, but her point of view should not be considered the only one in the movie.


It's a very good movie and it did satisfy my opinion about the USA, glorious as it is, this movie fulfilled all my reservations from personal experiences. I visited many times and I liked it very much, but there were a few episodes when it seemed that a slight misunderstanding could easily have escalated into massive incident with consequences way out of proportion to the deed and this movie highlights just that, the fine line between being 'safe' or 'doomed'. Eg. I could not help myself trying to be fined for crossing the street as I friggin' please and as I see fit, being in charge of my own life, well being and free, but which is an offense defined as jay-walking and had I been caught and had I argued enough about the ridiculous of it all, I would probably have found myself on the next plane heading out of the US in my general direction. Such a great and splendid country yet so utterly petty and anal in so many ways, it's shameful, awkward and embarrassing. When they sing of the 'land of the free and home of the brave' I wonder who the heck are they singing about? Whoever 'they' are it's long gone, common sense hasn't prevailed and the instigator of this post certainly demonstrates a narrow-mindedness that begs belief Good movie if you can think where you stand.
