MovieChat Forums > Crossing Over (2009) Discussion > More Evidence Hollywood Has No Clue!

More Evidence Hollywood Has No Clue!

I should have know when I saw this movie that I had NEVER heard of with well-known actors in it that it would be another sorry political statement film. I knew I shouldn't have watched it, but sometimes I can't help not being able to look away from a car wreck. Celebrities, especially movie actors, for the most part have NO IDEA about the real world. They think this country can maintain itself with no rule or law that creates "victims". Guess what? A perpetrator is NOT a victim, no matter how you dress him/her up to look like one. These bleeding heart liberal actors have absolutely no sense of any self-worth, so they make movies like this to give themselves a false sense of purpose by trying to shed light on things they mistakenly believe are WRONG with America. Here's a thought...if America does so many things wrong and creates so many innocent "victims" with its policies, then try China for a while, or Korea, or Brazil, or Poland, or ANY OTHER country on this planet. See if you can do even a FRACTION of what you have been able to do here in one of those places. Do you wonder why NO OTHER COUNTRY on this planet has an immigration problem? BECAUSE NOBODY WANTS TO GO THERE!!

Perfect example of this cluelessness: the Muslim girl claims to "understand" why the 9/11 hijackers did what they did and seeks understanding for their cause, but she is absolutely devastated to have to leave this country (that doesn't understand) and return to the "home land" that clearly understands. What is wrong with this picture? She should be ready and willing and even excited to leave such a uncaring and awful place such as America, right? A place whose citizens can't even understand why religious fanatics declare war (secretly in their own minds) on innocent civilians (not soliders) and kill them with impunity. They then make our soliders out as monsters when a few of their civilians are accidentally killed, usually because they were being used as shields.

When will Hollywood ever understand that we just don't care what they think about anything other than what their next movie is going to be? Wake up Hollywood! Especially you, Harrison Ford, you're smart enough and old enough to know better.



Wow, bronzescag, hit a nerve?? Funny, I wish knew your real name, so I could have looked for you in the credits of the movie. I've never been called a "wingnut" before, interesting! So apparently the definition of "wingnut" is "one who takes a position supported by the majority of his own country". Trust me, pal, America is nowhere near 50% centrist/liberal. It just seems like it since they control the media. So sorry I didn't like your film. Perhaps your next one will be better received by the general public. Seriously now, what is your connection to this movie? I know you were somehow involved in its making to be this passionate and knowledgeable about it.

Good luck to you!


Wow, paranoid much?

A. I'm a fan of the filmmaker's work.
B. I have read the original screenplay. It's linked by someone on one of these postings.
C. I'm fascinated by the American immigration experience and how we as citizens are all in denial over the fact that we hijacked this country from the true natives, but now want to lock the doors on freedom from anyone else with the desire to move here and better their life. I'm interested in freedom of speech issues, even when they extend to non-citizens and undocumented residents.
D. The reason you never heard about this film before is that Weinstein Company had no money to market it (after they chopped it up and mishandled Sean Penn) and they alienated the entire cast and filmmaking crew, so nobody came out in the end to support it. Once upon a time it was a great film - now it's merely a decent one. There's a LOT to Google on it. If those answers don't satisfy you, keep looking for my name in the credits. And in the credits of all the other films I comment on.


Show me any country that in its founding not displace another group of people. Every country has fought wars to make it a country, not saying its right, just a fact. But that reasoning, we should open up the world to let anyone move anywhere they want to. What we are seeing now is the systematic destruction of western civilization, we have to love and respect all cultures but our own and more and more are getting fed up with it.

But to me, anyone who immigrates to any country, needs to do it legally and learn their language and assimilate into said culture. Not move there and say our language and culture is offensive and we must adapt to them, they will not to us and when we question them on it we are the close minded rascists?


bronzescag; "It's a murky soup" only to people like you. Fortunately I am in advanced middle-age. So I will not be around when the crisis comes and this hyphenated, multi-cultural mess cannot handle it and goes the way of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. By then I will be retired in NEW ZEALAND watching from a-far. Hope you enjoy the results of your hand-wringing liberalism.


NZ is more liberal than the US. I doubt you would be that comfortable there.


"By then I will be retired in NEW ZEALAND watching from a-far. Hope you enjoy the results of your hand-wringing liberalism."

I agree with aillas55. NZ would be too "liberal" for your tastes. You know they have a free health-care and education system (oh no!!! Socialism - yikes). And it's pretty intolerant of anti-multiculturalism, especially given its embarrassment over the treatment of Maoris in the past. That's also why Maori is one of the two official languages i.e. not a case of YOU WILL SPEAK ENGLISH ONLY.

I really don't think it's a good idea for you to retire there. Might I suggest somewhere in the bible-belt instead?


dammacco; The Government of NEW ZEALAND understand$ a universal language, 'dough re me'. At our age and money their brand of Socialism is not as threatening as the illegal alien scum or the progeny of the 'GREAT SOCIETY'.
WE will fit in just fine, they even have Ice Hockey down there.

Maori may be a official language, but how many of the NewZealanders of Asian or Euro-descent speak it, 1% at best, if that. Not even half the Maoris speak it anymore. So much for 'multiculturalism'. Yea, I am sure it is the land of out-door plumping and birthing babies in the street, LIKE MEXICO.

You know what the great thing is. When we are both dead and in heaven, because there is no HELL. Not the DANTE type and I am not going to be your VIRGIL. Your hell and all the rest of your liberal brethren will be me saying "I TOLD YOU SO". "HOW ARE YOUR GRANDCHILDREN ENJOYING THE COUNTRY YOU FLUSHED DOWN THE TOLIET". You will cry and wring your hands and in that whiny libelous voice will state. "WE DIDN'T KNOW IT WOULD TURN OUT THIS WAY, WE JUST WANTED TO FEEL THEIR PAIN, OUR GUILT, OUR GUILT'. Reply; "WELL NOW ENJOY YOUR GRANDCHILDRENS PAIN, I WILL BE SURE TO REMIND THEM OF IT WHEN THEY ARRIVE".

I too will be in a private HELL of my own. Can you guess it, my HELL is going to be 'BEING RIGHT'. As for the joys of 'multiculturalism' and other the forms of hypenazation, tell us how well that worked out for the Austro-Hungarian Empire. That is a perfect example of what happens when the great crisis comes your 'multiculturalism' and hyphenateds all pull in a different direction and then the collapse. How was it termed, yes, "GERMANY was shackled to a corpse".

By the way there is no such thing as "FREE HEALTH CARE AND EDUCATION". They are paid with by TAXES. Something we can afford even in New Zealand. What school of economics did you go too? The Liberal World of fantasy money!


you are a ignorant sack of *beep* you dont like liberalism, you dont like imigrants, but you wanna go to NZ ..... you are the douche of the century


skinyard: We always can tell when we are right, by the irrational responses of the 'triple Ls', Lunatic Leftist Liberals. Like you skinyard, LOL. By the way we live near CHI-RAQ, formally Chicago. Home of the 'trigger happy' constituents of the President and his Party. Why don't you advise the Progeny of your Social Welfare experiments to leave our tools alone. Let them stick with those with non-moving parts, like Basketballs and Footballs. Nothing with sharp points or edges either.


It's been a while... Have you moved to NZ?


whatsthisnow: Not yet, enjoying watching this Country slide into a third world sewer. Feel sorry for my S.O. She has Grand-Children. If Hillary is elected trend will be accelerated.


Do you support Trump? I think a Trump v Hillary race will mean a Trump presidency. I actually bet money on it (we can do that in the UK) when it started to look certain that Clinton would cinch the nom.


whatsthisnow: Depends which way I feel on the direction the Republic should take. There is something enjoyable about seeing a approaching train wreck!


Wow, there are so many ignorant statements in this one little body of text.
My favorite is the citation, "Do you wonder why NO OTHER COUNTRY on this planet has an immigration problem?" Especially because despite the immigration problem that Canada has, we also get most of your redneck convicts that are trying to flee 'the best place on EARTH.' In the past we have also been a safe harbour for your draft dodgers.


Thank you. No, seriously, thank you! Please keep 'em.....and while your at it, take most of Hollywood and keep that rotten healthcare system up there as well.


"Do you wonder why NO OTHER COUNTRY on this planet has an immigration problem? BECAUSE NOBODY WANTS TO GO THERE!!"

Wow, talk about ignorance. I assume you are one of many americans that doesnt even have a passport?


OP is definitely my douchebag of the month...


jblane321 ...stick to playing with barbies..your entire first post is so retarded LOLOL

The girl never said she liked her homeland. Wtf movie were you watching? Seriously stick to watching cartoons. Just do it...try pokemon or something. This movie was obviously too complex for your tiny mind :)

-Spoilers are for the weak


I agree with the OP and I'm not eve from USA. I'm from Brazil.
Well... what he said about Brazil is wrong. Here we can do about everything, despite of the law, that is the main cause this contry is a mess.
The problem with the muslim girl is that she expressed herself in a wrong way and was even more missunderstood, and had a extreme reaction from the FBI.
Bronzescag, pool that talk about natives in his/hers second post. The first americans got just the land from the natives but the contry and laws are theirs. And the world is all like this. Some civilization conquered another...



I agree, complete liberal BS! Let me get this straight... we are supposed to sympathize with a potential suicide bomber??? If Hollywood is really this Anti-American, then why do we support it? I actually bought this movie in a 3 for $20 deal at Blockbuster and feel the only redeeming parts of the film are the bedroom scenes with that hot blond European chick. Anyway, I'll be re-selling this one.


...she was Australian...pretty far from Europe...were you even paying attention?


her character was australian but she is actually british



"Do you wonder why NO OTHER COUNTRY on this planet has an immigration problem? BECAUSE NOBODY WANTS TO GO THERE!!"

Singapore 42%
Switzerland 22%
Latvia 19%
Australia 19%
Canada 18%
Gabon 17%
New Zealand 15%
Austria 15%
Yvory Coast 13%
Cyprus 13%
==United States== 12%
Germany 12%
Spain 10%
Costa Rica 10%
